9For this light within you produces only what is good and right and true. YouVersion uses cookies to personalize your experience. He seems to say(14 February 2014), if I understand him correctly, that when Jesus said to the beloved disciple Behold your mother! (John 19.27), He was speaking about the Holy Spirit: But it is clear from the previous verse that Jesus was actually referring to His mother Mary, who was standing there by the cross. congregations characterized by charismatic doctrine. He is the Morning Star (Revelation 22.16), and will give the morning star to the one who overcomes and keeps His works until the end (Revelation 2.28). Rise up from your coffin and the Anointed One will shine his light into you!. All rights reserved. Scriptures was not Hebrew, Aramaic, or Greek., My translation has produced the best version of the New Through our union with Christ we too have been claimed by God as his own inheritance. The Greek text states God will gather together all things in fulfillment in Christ. That is, God will unite all things under the headship of Christ. 6 1 Children, if you want to be wise, listen to your parents and do what they tell you, and the Lord will help you.. 2 For the commandment, "Honor your father and your mother," was the first of the Ten Commandments with a promise attached: . He makes explicit in his FAQsthat he is claiming to work from the original Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic documents, and not from English translations of these: The Peshitta tool gives three English translations from the Peshitta text, which is the Aramaic version that Simmons says in his FAQs he is employing insights from. In the same way the church is devoted to Christ, let the wives be devoted to their husbands in everything. Simmons be tenderly devoted to, on the other hand, has a different connotation altogether. In 1907 the Benedictine monk, Henri Leclercq d'Ornancourt undertook a French translation of the Concilienge-schichte of Hefele,40 which was really to be a complete reworking and enlargement of the German scholar's work.41 Finally, we can mention the book of Henry R. Percival, which constitutes volume 14 in The Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers . For less than $5/mo. Greek manuscripts read the Son of Man who came from heaven., It remained in force until the Joyous to your husbands like you are tenderly devoted to our Lord, for the husband provides leadership for the wife, just as Christ provides leadership for his church, as the Savior and Reviver. Thank you for your careful attention to Simmon's claims, sources, process, and results.On a more bizarre note, the comparisons between Simmon's and Alexander's work sent me down a rabbit hole. There were hundreds of acts with fire eaters and fire dancers of every description. It is in plain sight in the many excellent translations we have available.. grocery store and everyone he met collapsed onto the floor, in reallife only a few Greek manuscripts omit this word, prophets who Open description for time stamps. Paul, and I was chosen by God to be an apostle of Jesus, the Messiah. What a marvelous job my friend and seasoned leader is doing for the Body of Christ! Simmons says he is translating from the Aramaic rather than the Greek. This is why it is said, Awake, O sleeper,rise up from the dead,and Christ will give you light.. This is the mighty power, that was released when God raised Christ from the dead and exalted him, to the place of highest honor and supreme authority. Worship is given as a further meaning, and it might perhaps be argued that this is not very far from Simmons be devoted to. The NAR also teaches that prophets Your mission is to live as children flooded with his revelation-light! Mike Winger, a Calvary Chapeltrained pastor who teaches through his online ministry Bible Thinker, has drawn in over one million YouTube views with a series examining The Passion Translation. They also put an emphasis on what they ancestor of Christ in Matthew 1:10, and does not describe Jesus as Marys firstborn 4 And in love he chose us before he laid the foundation of the universe! Scroll down for links to Dr. Bock's paper. frequently depicts an actor playing a role. The Passion Translation is a registered trademark of Passion & Fire Ministries, Inc. Read our Privacy Policy for more information. And God was pleased, for Christ's love for you was like sweet perfume to him. Dont be fooled by those who speak their empty words and deceptive teachings telling you otherwise. Be imitators of God in everything you do, for then you will represent your Father as his beloved sons and daughters. Try Bible Gateway Plus free today! Enjoy TPT anywhere with online reading platforms. TPTs publisher, BroadStreet Publishing Group, confirmed that Bible Gateway made the disappointing decision to discontinue their license for The Passion Translation as of January 2022. Indeed, there were many errors that had crept into the Corinthian belief system and into their spiritual walk. I want the people of Christ to know the truth about this \"translation\" so that they can love what God has said without Brian Simmons altering it in unjustified ways. It is too anthropocentric.13:59 One example of a where Simmons adds a whole sentence to the Bible. It positions you and me within proven, godly wisdom and gives precious insight into the heart, nature, and goodness of God. Putting these things together, I think there is a possibility that the manuscript that Alexander claims to be translating from does not actually exist. Eph 5:3. If a translation were to made of the Palimpsest it might perhaps be appropriate to use the English neuter it, as in the example from Mark 4.31 above. 4 1 As a prisoner of the Lord, I plead with you to walk holy, in a way that is suitable to your high rank, given to you in your divine calling.. 2 With tender humility and quiet patience, always demonstrate gentleness and generous love toward one another, especially toward those who may try your patience. However, all translations of the Bible are subject to human limitations and imperfections. translated parts of the Peshitta into English, Review: A Commentary on Textual Additions, Galatians 3 and 0176 - The Byzantine Text in Egypt, The STEPBible - With David Instone-Brewer. which seals us until we have all of redemptions promises and experience complete freedomall for the supreme glory and honor of God! This does not mean that the kingdom of God is feminine and that grain is feminine. comments appear too but some of Simmons notes only make sense if the reader Perfectly ordinary and legitimate joyous expectations., (Again, TPT has Instead, let worship fill your heart and spill out in your words. means to send away or to set free (from bondage). Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other's faults because of your love. Antrim County election: rightleft vote transfer in nine of the sixteen precincts. This book was released on 2016-09-23 with total page 96 pages. My purpose here is simply to ascertain whether Simmons really has translated this verse from the Aramaic as he claims. They are currently working on the remaining books of the Old Testament and moving forward with plans to release a full Bible edition around 2027. Instead, let there be thankfulness to God. And out of your reverence for Christ be supportive of each other in love. By using our website, you accept our use of cookies as described in our Privacy Policy. Sign up for our newsletter: Regardless, Ephesians contains crucial truths for believers worldwide. Simmons argues TPTs additions and context expand the essential meaning of the original language by highlighting the essence of Gods original message., With The Passion Translation, we have a high goal to being accurate to the text, but accuracy involves the heart behind it, Simmons said in an interview last month. His great love for us was pleasing to God, like an aroma of adorationa sweet healing . Simmons has repeatedly defended the translation label, saying that all Bible translations involve some paraphrase. Hallelujah! Those who are employed should listen to their employers, Literally servants should obey their caretakers.. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Current Bid: USD 9.77 . It is a beautiful marriage of powerful accuracy and readable, natural language. Be imitators of God in everything you do, for then you will represent your Father as his beloved sons and daughters. really, really, wants them to make sense; for instance, in a note to John 2:20, Whatever he tells you to do, he will meet the need you have to finish it.. Like the Living Bible that sprung forth in the days of the Jesus Movement, this translation bursts forth from the womb of this present revival. Single-author translations likewise, said Ward. The Passion Translation (TPT) is listed as no longer available among the sites 90 English-language Bible offerings. Google Podcasts. possible to return to one conception of what the Scriptures are all about.. question when he makes statements such as this one (from the book-introduction First, what does Alexander mean by Ancient Aramaic? 15 Be very careful, then, how you livenot as unwise but as wise, 16 making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. The Passion Translation encourages, convicts, teaches, and comforts me, and it continuously draws me to worship., https://www.thepassiontranslation.com/testimonial/2776/, "The Word of God is our collective and yet deeply personal love letter from above. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Passion Translation New Testament (2nd Edition): With Psalms, Proverbs and Song of . , which can mean falling down, but is usually translated as foundation (of the world). Testament would be a good translation; there are plenty of passages I have not mentioned in which Victor Alexander is an independent film-maker, with a career in film-making starting soon after he graduated from San Francisco State University in 1970 with a B.A. I pray that the light of God will illuminate the eyes of your imagination, flooding you with light, until you experience the full revelation of the hope of his calling. Instead, she will be holy and without fault. First of all, the Passion Translation (so-called) does indeed have the first part of Ephesians 5.22 rather as Brian Simmons gave it on the Sid Roth show, with 'tenderly devoted to' rather than 'submit'. Read the Bible, discover plans, and seek God every day. , listen to your parents and do what they tell you, and the Lord, For the commandment, Honor your father and your mother, was the first of the. The Genesis 11 story is about pride, but not in the way we think. Whats unique about The Passion There is a long history of single-author Bible translations, with Robert Alter, N. T. Wright, and D. B. Hart releasing recent versions. 4 And in love he chose us before he laid the foundation of the universe! This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. 1 & 2 Corinthians. YouVersion uses cookies to personalize your experience. I think the best way to promote each others trust in our good Bible translations is to useand expectmulti-denominational, committee-based works.. When you're ready for a head scratcher, read thishttps://www.imdb.com/name/nm10974549/bio?ref_=nm_ov_bio_sm. Ok this work is so important! Abundant grace will be with you all as each of you love our Lord Jesus Christ without corruption. So be very careful how you live, not being like those with no understanding, but live honorably with true wisdom, for we are living in evil times. for then you will represent your Father as his beloved sons and daughters. Every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realm has already been lavished upon us as a love gift from our wonderful heavenly Father, the Father of our Lord Jesusall because he sees us wrapped into Christ. First released as a New Testament in 2017, The Passion Translation includes additions that do not appear in the source manuscripts, phrases meant to draw out Gods tone and heart in each passage. How blessed is God! 4:12; and Titus 3:12. You should see a total of 5 uploaded by mid way through January. In the Eshtaphel form, which is the one we are looking for, he gives the meaning as was subjected. 23:20 and Mal. I have shared this link to a few others. He is mentioned four other times in the New Testament. Ephesians 4 - The Passion Translation Our Divine Calling. I believe in speaking in tongues, and believe that Christians can speak in human languages, as in Acts 2, and I cant rule out speech in ancient languages, even if there is no biblical precedent for it to my knowledge. It can be seen that it was sometimes used to translate (be a slave, be subjected), (to obey), and (in James 3.3, where means obey), as well as : In the leading Syriac-English academic lexicon, Sokoloffs 2009 Syriac Lexicon, the word is listed under (shin), in its shaphel form, here referred to as Quad for quadriradical (so-called I think because the root has four consonants rather than the usual three). 17 Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord's will is. Ephesians 2 - The Passion Translation The Passion Translation Ephesians 2 God's Power Raised Us from the Dead. That February 2 post no longer appears on his Facebook page. I intend to demonstrate in a future post that where Simmons claims to have translated from the Aramaic, he has actually derived his rendering from Alexanders work. And he will also prophesy over you, Translated from the Aramaic. of his explosive power flowing in and through you. And rescue us every time we face tribulations. Dont listen to them or live like them at all. I applaud the life and ministry of Brian Simmons! You can unsubscribe at any time. for then you will represent your Father as his beloved sons and daughters. Tychicus, whose name means child of fortune, is believed to be an Ephesian who took this letter, as Pauls representative, to the churches throughout Turkey. 4 Therefore I, a prisoner for serving the Lord, beg you to lead a life worthy of your calling, for you have been called by God. The Passion Translation is a registered trademark of Passion & Fire Ministries, Inc. In John 15.26, the masculine pronoun is used to refer to the Paraclete, the Spirit of truth, in both the Peshitta (three times) and the Sinaitic Palimpsest (once, third from the end): In my opinion, referring to the Holy Spirit as She, as Alexander does, is heretical. to make us a mature church for his pleasure, until we become a source of praise to himglorious and radiant, ) can also mean gorgeous, honorable, esteemed, splendid, infused with glory. This is what Christs love will do to you. 11Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, expose them. A Bible version designed to "recapture the emotion of God's Word" was . God wants us to mimic him and be filled with his thoughts, his love, his deeds, and his character. instead be filled continually with the Holy Spirit. unusual rendering: The Joyous Expectation Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright 1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. If TPTs removal from Bible Gateway was related to the concerns over its translation claims, I think thats a good thing, said Andrew Wilson, a Reformed charismatic who pastors at Kings Church London and a columnist for CT. There are just too many additions to the text that have no basis in the originalwhich is fine (sort of) if its self-consciously a paraphrase, but not if people think its a translation.. The Dukhrana analysis tool shows that the word at issue is (metabn), and that it is in the Eshtaphal form: I explained in an earlier post and here I should perhaps repeat my disclaimer that I dont know Syriac, I am only delving a little into standard grammars that Syriac has six main verbal forms: peal, pael, and aphel, and their threeEth-pattern counterparts, ethpeel, ethpaal, and ettaphal. ), Once you know Gods word through a standard translation, I love how paraphrases can yank you out of your Bible-reading rut and provide fresh insight into Scripture. ", https://www.thepassiontranslation.com/testimonial/lou-engle/, "With the Mind of a Scholar and Heart of a Lover, Brian Simmons combines the best of both worlds for us in his devoted translation work in Letters from Heaven. The Syriac words for kingdom, (verse 30), and grain, , are both feminine, and in consequence both the pronouns used to refer them in this verse are in the feminine form, . https://biblethinker.org/the-passion-project/A direct download link for just Dr. Bock's paper https://biblethinker.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Darrell-L.-Bock.pdfHere is Dr. Bock's \"The Table\" program on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsTUcKrf-F36viOWhRZMHQgnEb3K-CdgODarrell Bock's CV https://blogs.bible.org/curriculum-vitae/My website https://BibleThinker.orgTime Stamps0:00 Intro0:16 What is My Passion Project?0:38 Today's video synopsis.1:41 Who is Dr. Darrell Bock and why is he reviewing TPT?2:50 Why it is not truthful to call TPT a \"translation.\"4:09 If Dr. Bock was to evaluate TPT as if it were a paraphrase what would he say?5:15 The CENTRAL issue of Simmons misleading people about using Aramaic in Ephesians.8:14 How Brian Simmons abuses homonyms which he says are a secret that God gave him.12:32 TPT changes the focus in Ephesians 1 from God to us. . For it has been made clear to you already that the kingdom of God cannot be accessed by anyone who is guilty of sexual sin, or who is impure or greedyfor greed is the essence of idolatry. He wrote that he doesnt recommend it, objects to the publishers advice to use it from the pulpit, and urges leaders to clarify that its not a translation. It seems to me that the feminine form in the Palimpsest is probably best seen as a consequence of the grammatical gender ofrua, rather than as signifying femininity of the Holy Spirit. However, in the course of researching for this project I've uncovered some other very concerning things about Brian Simmons' teachings including false prophecy and various extreme claims regarding his own spiritual experiences. in all of heaven and earth through Jesus Christ. How could they expect to have an inheritance in Christs kingdom. On the same page, under the heading Fantasy vs Reality, he quotes Fellini as saying that the layer of fantasies, dreams and imagination is the real person: Again, he quotes Fellini as saying that the truth is never clear: Fellinis biographer Hollis Alpert describes him as having a preoccupation with magic and the occult, and as being fascinated by and a good friend of Gustavo Rol, a magician from Turin. While Simmons serves as lead translator, TPT lists seven scholars who oversee and review his work. He is the Savior of his body, the church. This is my most felliniesque movie. with an endnote to say that this has been translated from the Aramaic. He's the Father of our Master, Jesus Christ, and takes us to the high places of blessing in him. He kept filming through the night. The Greek text has without any wrinkle. The Aramaic can be translated without chips or knots.. Because of this, you must wear all the armor that God provides so youre protected as you confront the slanderer, As translated from the Aramaic. Serve them with humility in your hearts as though you were working for the Master. Because of his great love, he ordained us, so that we would be seen as holy in his eyes with an unstained innocence. Muraoka at Section 49 has the same six forms, written slightly differently. The lexeme is (three consonants, -beth-dalath, where is similar to the Hebrew, ayin), and its primary meaning is to do, or to act, as shown by Jennings: For the Shaphel form, (with first letter (shin), so shin--beth-dalath) Jennings gives the meaning as has subjected. 28In the same way, husbands ought to love their wives as they love their own bodies. What was my goal with this? Always give thanks to Father God for every person, The Greek text is ambiguous; it can mean give thanks for all things or for all people. The Aramaic is quite specificfor all people.. Manifest your kingdom on earth. And now we, his church, are his body on the earth and that which fills him who is being filled by it! Read the Bible, discover plans, and seek God every day. for the same love he has for the Beloved, Jesus, he has for us. Quotations attributed in this review to The Passion Translation are from T. Copyright 2017, 2018 by BroadStreet Husbands have the obligation of loving and caring for their wives the same way they love and care for their own bodies, for to love your wife is to love your own self. I'll be sharing some of this in future videos as well since I have realized that he is not just styling himself as a Bible translator but as an inspired Bible interpreter who is going to release a last days transformation in the people of God so that \"everything that can be said about Jesus can be said about you\". The very things they do in secret are too vile and filthy to even mention. Read the Bible, discover plans, and seek God every day. The word for fall (Adams fall) is. Get the most recent headlines and stories from Christianity Today delivered to your inbox daily. not mean that without the bits that have no Greek support, the TPT New 22 Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. 18 Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Start FREE. He says in his personal account that he wanted from the start to be a film-maker like Fellini, and this appears to be still his main influence in film-making.