Kokichi said that that was meaningless and that he shouldn't do that, mainly because the killing game wouldn't end even if he did. In the English version, he seems to be skilled in different languages, as during his Free Time Event with Kaede he casually lists Japanese, French and Spanish words for "common sense" along with the English one. kokichiouma. Because of this, making him a trickster who stirs up the trials was considered indispensable. Like in most situations, it's unclear how serious Kokichi actually is, but it is likely that he was just joking. Kokichi would later gather with everyone else in the gymnasium after the Monokuma Kubs made their announcement. As everybody investigated the seance room in order to find the cause of Tenko's death, Kokichi noticed the loose floorboard and got a theory that he needed to confirm. Their only motivation seems to be just to have fun and while their appearance can be creepy, they have a rule of not killing anybody. After Gonta is executed, Kokichi dramatically over-corrects his show of genuine emotion by beginning to act exaggeratedly "evil" and claiming that he didn't care about Gonta and that he was just fake crying. 5 feet and one inch. It's shown that while he is not as evil as he appears and feels guilt, he is willing to take drastic actions if he believes he has to. Kokichi begs to be executed along with Gonta, but he refuses the proposal. However, she was stopped by Kaito and everyone rushed to his side as Kokichi continued to monologue. There, Kaito and the others who didnt assist in the ritual discovered Tenkos corpse lying in the center of the now-ruined magic circle. After that, she caught him sneaking around during the night, inquiring what he's doing and why he's being so suspicious. He does lots of investigation alone without other people noticing, analyzes the other students, and writes their fates and his impression of them on his whiteboard. Upon learning this, Kokichi and everyone else's mood improved greatly, thinking the killing game to be over. A It is revealed here that Kokichi has actually been trying to stop the killing game from the very beginning. Maki used slow-acting poison-tipped arrows in an attempt to torture Kokichi for information before his death. When Shuichi was able to pin both crimes on him, however, Kokichi remarked on how obvious and boring of an answer that was, stating that it was pointless to kill two people because it left more clues for everyone to find. Why are, "Nee-heehee Maybe it should have! He enjoys pretending he's something other than a mere human. Shuichi however, was able to see through his lies easily, asking him how he could have prepared the locked-room mystery. Himiko attempted to get Angie's attention, but the door into her lab was locked, worrying the trio. when Shuichi reminds him that Kirumi isn't his real mom. In the English localization, the laugh is changed to "nee-heehee", which still gives a slight impression of a horse. He himself has claimed that he lies in order to entertain others and that his lies are told half out of kindness, and even the Skill received after his Free Time Events is called "Kind Lie". He has talked to Shuichi about it more than once, such as when he recognized the way he lashed out in the beginning of Chapter 4 was most likely due to the fact he was frustrated with all the murder and tense situations they've been put through, and Kaito also appeared to understand Kokichi's motive in Chapter 2 though he was unsure about it. In chapter 2, Kokichi witnessed Miu wandering around in the dark, walking around in her underwear in the courtyard as a tactic to escape Gonta. Kokichi then helps Shuichi during the investigation and begins to call himself Shuichi's partner. Once everyone used the Flashback Light on themselves, they remembered the meteorites that impacted the Earth and that it was described as being very similar to the meteor impact that wiped out the dinosaurs millions of years ago. However, at one point, he seems genuinely surprised by the idea that K1-B0 might genuinely understand human emotions. Fitting for his title, Kokichi claims to be a leader of a secret society, with more than 10,000 members. While he was usually simply amused with Shuichi's lying in earlier trials and didn't really point them out to others, in the fourth trial he is furious and even vengeful when Shuichi lies back to him and everyone believes Shuichi's lie over him. Furthermore, being a liar himself, he always seems to notice when and why other people are lying. I guess he is around 14-17 years old. However, the true Mastermind, in order to get the remaining survivors at the time to continue the Killing Game, decided to connect everyone's memories of The Gofer Project to the story of Hope's Peak Academy. As soon as Kaito rushed in, he was also shocked to find Miu's dead body, but Kokichi asked him why he had logged out before everyone else did, quick to suspect him despite knowing for certain that he didn't commit the crime, likely to fool everyone. Everyone was saddened at the loss of a kindhearted soul such as Gonta, nobody blaming him for his actions. If you knew, "I'm Kokichi Oma, the Ultimate Supreme Leader! Kokichi answers with a slightly surprised and innocent "huh!? When asked what he was doing during Rantaro's murder, Kokichi jokingly replied that he was in the library smashing his head in, much to Kaede's irritation. Monokuma however, was disappointed that the motive went to waste, as Kokichi had no plans to kill anybody. His entire body, nothing but raw and unfettered malice." In Chapter 2, he mentions that everyone's got it all wrong and he claims that he only acts like a bad guy so that the others wouldn't get too soft. Kirumi Toujo - 84cm. He also appeared quite arrogant, clearly considering himself very important part of the class trials, looking down on some of the other students, often wishing to lead the debates and once claiming that the class trials won't be good if the others won't allow him to speak. Both Kokichi's motivation video, and Rantaro's video to himself, would later be used as evidence during the final class trial to disprove Kokichi being a Remnant of Despair, as well as to prove the survivors memories contradict with the actual facts about Hope's Peak Academy, revealing that everything that had been implanted into them by the Flashback Light were all lies. After "revealing" himself as the mastermind, Kokichi captures Kaito because his spirit would get everyone fired up and his hotheadedness is troublesome in general. Considering this perspective, Kodaka has stated that Kokichi would feel more in place as an Ultimate Liar than a Supreme Leader. Kokichi Ouma ( Kokichi Oma in the English version) is the secondary antagonist -turned-anti-hero of Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony. Kokichi was able to tell that Kaito was slower than usual and pondered on whether or not he was hiding something from everyone. Kokichi laughed Maki's claim off, claiming she was lying out of desperation. I had to lie to myself! Kokichi is also good at stealing, which might be due to his past, and it has been pointed out that many of his skills have a resemblance to a petty thief. When Kokichi cries and appears scared at one point, Angie comforts him by telling him about Atua, the god of the island. He is also very perceptive, possibly due to being a major liar in a game that's main theme is lies, as he often appears to have a deeper understanding of the situations and can predict things to the point of resembling breaking of the fourth wall. I've done a looooot of bad things. While Kokichi did remember the Ultimate Hunt in Chapter 2, his and everyone else's funeral in Chapter 3, the meteorite impacts, and the state of the outside world in Chapter 4 thanks to the Flashback Lights, he ultimately has no complete recollection of the event, as he was not present when the complete memory about The Gofer Project was triggered by the Flashback Light in Chapter 5. He is also absolutely furious with Gonta when he fails to argue back and thus is ruining their plan, making Kokichi completely lose his composure in anger, though he also appears genuinely touched and shocked when Gonta is willing to forgive him after everything he has done. He begins to act exaggeratedly "evil", claiming he enjoys the killing game and the suffering of others from the bottom of his heart, making the others think he is pure evil and very likely even the mastermind. Let's enjoy this more! After that, he introduces himself to Kaede and Makoto Naegi, claiming that he is the leader of a secret evil organization with over 10,000 members. There's only one truth, but endless possibilities for lies, y'know? ", "Even if I am lying, I can't help myself. During the bonus mode Love Across the Universe, Shuichi realizes that he cannot change Kokichi's lying which is a significant part of him and instead should try to understand him and his lies. When Kokichi calls Miu and Gonta's deaths meaningless, Kaito loses his temper and attacks Kokichi, but gets instead punched by the smaller boy due to his weakened state caused by the illness. After learning that she is a great cook, Kokichi wants Kirumi to be his "mom" and seemingly decided that she'll make him food whenever he's hungry. All of this was done in order to get everyone to fall into so much despair that they would not continue the Killing Game. he is in a relationship with shuichi saihara, another protagonist of part v3, and is arguably the most important character in the entire series, along with shuichi saihara; Kokichi Ouma (Saiouma) a good boi Sex evil Species saiouma shippers Nationality danganronpa Kokichi watched as Gonta was dragged to his execution, seeming to have gone mute. Katakana Everyone was worried about what this would mean, aside from Kaito Momota, the Ultimate Astronaut, who became increasingly outraged with Monokuma for doing whatever he wanted and lunged at him. If he liked a person or found them interesting, he tended to state that they are not boring, which was a big and rare compliment coming from him. Later when Gonta was found as a culprit, Kokichi told Monokuma to execute him as well which implied he felt extreme guilt, but he appeared to mostly feel guilt for getting Gonta executed instead of Miu. Game Angie praised Gonta and, like Himiko before him, pulled him into a hug. 97 lbs (44kg) Appearances. Apparently, his pants are made to look like a piece of punk fashion with bondage pelts, but they are actually just fake belts sewed to thicker part of the thighs. You're too scared to point your fingers at others, so you hide behind the word, "trust. Despite this, she is normally very calm when dealing with him, typically choosing to ignore him, save for the occasional glares whenever he manages to annoy her. During one event in the bonus mode. Also, I don't run from battles in RPGs, either! Maki panicked, rushed out of the hangar, and made her way to Shuichi's Research Lab to retrieve the antidote for the poison, but Kokichi closed the shutter to the hangar to ensure she could not come back in. He then told her that he is only warning her because he actually cared about her, but also told her not to come crying back to him if things didn't go her way. Kaito once again became outraged with Kokichi and attempted to punch him yet again. Also, both of their designs appear to be capes. ", "This school is mine! He recognized that she was still holding back her feelings, and as a result, lying to herself. Kokichi also elusively gives clues and hints during trials and even outside of them. During the bonus mode Ultimate Talent Development Plan, after spending three years as Kokichi's classmate, K1-B0 admits that he considers Kokichi his friend even though he isn't fond of his robophobia. Most notably, whenever his voice and face goes blank, it's heavily implied that he is being genuine and honest, and taking the current situation very seriously. Souda Kazuichi - 86cm. He only dodged her questions and much to his annoyance, she then started to lecture him about his general behavior and relationships. Kokichi seemed genuinely surprised, but quickly continued in his usual teasing manner, though he also pointed out that K1-B0 is pretty wise for a robot and thus the mean things Kokichi says to him really shouldn't matter to him. Despite the position he was in, Kokichi belittled Maki, asking her why a killing game that should have already ended is still continuing. Shuichi and Maki both discover this, obviously horrified at the thought of a third victim, but Kokichi quickly springs back up, happily declaring "It's a lie!". Kokichi asks if Shuichi is mad because he feels like Kokichi is playing with his heart and he says his head is always filled with thoughts of Shuichi. Carbonated drinks The weapons and other inventions he designed have a very childish fantasy look. I may be an evil supreme leader, but even my lies have standards.". Film and TV . Kokichi got increasingly frustrated when Gonta was unable to argue back and seemed genuine when he stated that it hurts his heart to persecute Gonta so much. I vow to never leave this place for the good of the world! Her expression relaxed a bit. After the fabrication process was completed, Kokichi and the others entered the Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles as totally different people, officially commencing the 53rd killing game season known as the Killing School Semester. However, she strongly disliked to be called a mom. We gotta talk about which one of us is the culprit, and win this, "Complicated plans have a better chance of working out in the end, wouldn't you say? Kokichi however, wasn't buying into Angie's nonsense, calling everyone who was brainwashed by her "idiots". After Monokuma officially started the Killing Game, Kokichi read the rules on his Monopad. Kokichi appears to be amused by and in some way fond of Shuichi, having stated that the other boy seems "decently not boring", which is a very rare and notable compliment coming from him. According to Kodaka, his character focuses on duality, and his creepy expressions express his true nature to some extent.[5]. However, K1-B0 soon exposes Kokichi's lie, making Gonta furious. 70 cm (28") "Anyways, I'm Kokichi Ouma, the Ultimate Supreme Leader. Much later, it's seen that Kokichi has the life-like statue of Rantaro made by Angie hanging upside down next to his bed, as a part of the evidence pieces he has hoarded. Kokichi and the others went to space in the massive ark, the true form of Ultimate Academy of Gifted Juveniles, and were put to a cold sleep for several decades. As Kokichi was about to break in using his lockpicking skills, Angie suddenly unlocked it from the inside and invited them in. Kokichi was the one who carried the cage along with Shuichi, remarking on its weight, before placing it down atop the crouching Tenko. Kaito does get pissed off at the insults, shouting at him and the others to stop calling him an idiot. HIGH SCHOOL. It's also implied that Kokichi can fight back quite well if he wants to, but his strength and fighting abilities are a bit unclear. After the caged child did not answer to Korekiyo's question, Kokichi and Shuichi reignited the candles and the whole group helped in removing the cage and cloth from Tenko's position, only to find her dead in a pool of her own blood. Later in Chapter 5, Kokichi gives his life as a part of his plan to defeat the mastermind. Geez, if you're really that much of a weenie, then you might actually lose, y'know? When the AI Gonta was asked about what "truth" he remembered, he said that he couldn't tell them due to not wanting them all to end up like he did, to remember a despair so horrible that you'd feel as if you wanted to die. This outraged Himiko greatly, asking him how he could be so inconsiderate towards one of their own friends, but Kokichi didn't waver. Kaito asks Kokichi why he isn't at home with his parents (and aren't his parents embarrassed of him being such a brat at his age). One such clip had Kokichi step out of his shoe in India, and before he could go back for it, a tall, male prankster held his foot and tickled him! Contents 1 History 2 Personality 3 Appearance However, he does appear genuinely affected when Shuichi tells him that he's the kind of person who will always be alone. When he heard his laugh, Shuichi was astonished However, at other times, he acted offended at the mere suggestion that a supreme leader such as himself would do something so childish (though this reaction, too, often appeared to be just a joke). Knowing this, Kokichi met with Monokuma in secret in the game room at nighttime and proposed that they reuse the motive in order to make the Killing Game "more interesting". Kaito reassured her that she would be fine and told her to leave. On his whiteboard, it's shown that Kokichi has a more positive, though slightly unclear impression of Shuichi, considering him "trustworthy?". We wanna live, so stop getting in our way!" According to Tsumugi, Kokichi's talent as the Ultimate Supreme Leader is a fabrication made by Team Danganronpa. According to Kokichi's Japanese voice actor Hiro Shimono, he is "an emotional rollercoaster of a character" and "the guy who says the things no one wants to say". He similarly occasionally uses deeper voice in the English version, but it's less notable as his usual voice isn't as childish as the original. Lance Bouma stats in his last season Lance Bouma career postseason stats See trending ", "Huuuuh? Hiro Shimonoen-US Derek Stephen Prince[3]. I, Kokichi Oma, am the mastermind and king of the. Once the Monokuma Kubs arrived and revealed themselves from within their Exisals, they gave the sixteen participants their Ultimate wardrobe and their first memory via the Flashback Light. He also does lots of investigation alone without other people noticing, analyzes the other students, writes their fates and his impression of them on his whiteboard, and hoards lots of evidence from the past cases into his room. Kokichi's characterization was focused on duality. Rating your gayness based on your Danganronpa favs. In her relationship chart, Kokichi grins while calling her "an extremely ugly girl". He went to one of the other two vacant rooms to investigate the floorboards, only to end up stepping through one with no crosspiece supporting it, causing him to trip and fall on his head. In Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony (Demo Version), Kokichi is first seen inside the storage room chasing and harassing K1-B0. Kokichi is pleased by this and tells Shuichi he won, confusing the detective who answers that he hasn't even played yet. I've decided! Ironically, the Japanese kanji for Presidents (of USA, for example), "", means "junta leader" in Chinese. He then explained that they're strangers, so he really doesn't care what she and Shuichi do, and then pointed out that even friends don't share everything with each other. Kokichi shed tears seeing that he was dead, calling him his "dearest" Rantaro. Kaito also listened to Kokichi's last words, but later admits that he wasn't sure what was true and what was Kokichi's true character. Shuichi is also detained by the Ultimate Entomologist and brought to his lab, apologizing later for accidentally knocking him unconscious before continuing his kidnapping spree. However, this was just part of his plan to outwit the true mastermind and later during the trial Monokuma appeared genuinely angry towards Kokichi for his troublesome actions and even offered some information against him "purely out of spite". Today, we're counting down our picks for the top 10 funniest, and just downright AWESOME Kokichi Ouma moments. While Gonta was able to hang the toilet paper from the binoculars to get off the roof, he was unable to dispose of it properly due to Shuichi and Tsumugi's untimely arrival. However, it is unclear if this memory of him was a part of the fabrication made by Team Danganronpa or if it was genuine. The more you suffer, the more I enjoy it. As Kirumi prepared breakfast for everyone, Kokichi and Gonta both asked her to be their mom. On top of this, he correctly predicted how or when some of the other students die, as well as foreshadows many other events. He revealed everything to them, that the world was in ruins, and that they were secretly on a giant spaceship that acted as an ark for the last sixteen survivors of humanity, or rather last "seven" survivors of humanity. Did you know half my lies are actually told with good intentions? Throughout the conversation, he says things to offend K1-B0, such as asking whether he has a penis or not. Kokichi's organization is very loyal to him, implying that they consider him a charismatic and well-liked figure (unlike most other people), and he considers them to be like a family. There are also moments when he suddenly falls asleep and snores comically, angering the others. ", "Anywaythis is our chance Our chance to end this, "H-How could a gamethat you're forced to playbe fun? Contents 1 History 1.1 Early Life 1.1.1 The Gofer Project Kokichi tells him that games can be won without playing them, foreshadowing the end of the killing game. ", "I *am* the supreme leader of evil, so it's obvious my personality would be twisted. His name, title, and clothing also have references to dictators. In fact, the only thing known about his life for sure is his love of video games and that he's been playing them his whole life. "People you trust and defend will ultimately betray you. Notably, Kaito realizes how Kokichi's behavior changes during Chapter 4, appearing much more malicious than before, and he wonders what happened to him. During his Free Time Events, while talking about his usual supreme leader claims, Kokichi describes himself as a pacifist whose number one priority is peace and he rather settles fights with games. In the end, Shuichi blushes while admitting to himself that he is intrigued by Kokichi, being drawn in and always wanting to know more about him. Kokichi had a tendency to act confrontational towards Kaede and seemingly tried to make her question her own way of thinking. Kaito then murdered Kokichi, according to their plan, seemingly to protect Maki and because of blackmail. In reality, he loathed the idea of the killing game, especially one that was being put on for other people's pleasure, and he secretly vowed to end it by any means necessary. Celouma the ship between Kokichi and . Later, after everyone discussed the map of the virtual world and mansion, Kokichi led Gonta to the Flashback Light the rest of the group was searching for in the forest behind the mansion, already knowing it's hiding spot. After Kaede's death, he himself even pointed out that you'll feel happy and cheerful in no time if you just hit the reset button on your feelings, indicating that he is heavily suppressing his true emotions. In the prologue, he wears the uniform of his original high school. Kodaka has also mentioned more than once how Danganronpa has never had a character who simply enjoys the trials before, even if it was just a lie, which is why they wanted to make him the pretense mastermind battling against the real one. As Kokichi left the trial grounds, he eerily remarked to himself that it was almost time to end this Killing Game once and for all, finally finishing the message in the courtyard, "This world is mine, Kokichi Oma". Deceased However, Kokichi does not really appear to have a malicious intent, as he seems genuinely interested in K1-B0. Understand? When Kokichi turns silent after the execution, Kaito demands him to explain himself to everyone if he truly did care about Gonta like he appeared to right before the execution. Everyone aside from Kokichi and Kaito was unknowingly being controlled by the Mastermind in order to continue the Killing Game. Kokichi seemingly shrugged this claim off and left the trial grounds, having become bored yet again. He claims that all the world's mafias he controls would fight, destroy each other and cause unnecessary trouble to everyone around them if he wasn't there to maintain them. I *am* the Ultimate Supreme Leader. The tunnel ended up being a trap set by Monokuma and the Monokuma Kubs, much to everyone's dismay. Kokichi wakes up with everyone else to find Miu dead in her own chair, having died from shock in the virtual world. However, he has also described himself as a "pretty dickish dictator", claiming that is why his minions probably wouldn't want to save him from the killing game. (to, "Well, I don't care. However, it is unclear how much, if any of Kokichi's past before participating in the 53rd Killing Game was real, and which was fabricated by Team Danganronpa. Kokichi presented everyone with the first topic, bringing out Ryoma's motive video, and said that one of those two had it. It was later fixed in the localization. Besides lying, Kokichi is shown to be very intelligent in general, with he himself claiming that his head is always filled with complicated thoughts. ", though he was just doing it to joke around. Portrayals Though, Kokichi also seemed to do this to further mock Kaito who lost horribly. He also received the talent and title of Ultimate Supreme Leader. When Kaede turned out to be the first culprit, Kokichi was shocked for a moment as he pointed out how bad it is that the one who talked about cooperation and unity then went and killed someone in cold blood. Kokichi Oma. hospital arc, . 's vendetta against murder. He also has a very unique laugh, which is "nishishi"ironically, this is also the Japanese onomatopoeia for a horse, something which relates to his last name. He also tries to keep Kaito away from Shuichi, claiming that Kaito and his beliefs are a bad influence on Shuichi and that Shuichi is the only one who can save them. He even creates a plan to have himself killed and had written a script for Kaito to use during the class trial. ", "Hm? Ultimate Supreme Leader[1] Kaito is shocked when Kokichi instead begins to act even eviler than before. I *am* a leader of evil, after all. Pretending to be the mastermind and revealing the supposed truth about the outside world to the others was all done by him to discourage another killing from happening. If they survive this by HANA. Especially not after losing seven people. ", "Gifted high school students forced to play a, "Ooohhh, you guys are so close now. He forces Kokichi to stay, telling him that they shall spend the whole night petting bugs. Rating. It is later revealed that his organization is called D.I.C.E., and it is indeed just a small group of eleven pranksters (including himself) who only commit "laughable crimes" such as mild pranks, vandalism, and petty theft. In his Harmonious Heart Event, he even considers stopping lying for a moment in order to get closer with Shuichi, and if Shuichi agrees with this, Kokichi appears annoyed and says it's arrogant to expect other people to change such vital parts of themselves just for other people. Easy. Like everyone else, Rantaro can be a bit annoyed with Kokichi's behavior. In the official relationship chart from New Danganronpa V3 Official Setting Materials Collection, Monokuma finds Kokichi very "hilarious". Even though he enjoys to lie and stir chaos, he also addresses many valid points and is occasionally the student who speaks the most sense. In general, he appears to be somewhat against cooperation and strong inspirational speeches during the killing game, as he has pointed out that this makes you suspicious and a threat in the eyes of the mastermind. momota. He is capable of creating complex plans in a short amount of timea notable case being the time he wrote a script for Kaito during the class trial, which was written thoroughly about possible reactions and possible routes of how the trial will play out. Furthermore, his unique laugh resembles a horse's sound both in the Japanese and English versions of the game, and he even has a horse head mask with a crown inside his room. When they're alone, he tries to offer his support for Shuichi, saying he wants to use him to work together and be useful to Shuichi as well. At one point, when he is accused of bullying, he pointed out how the other students have no problem bullying and ganging up on him despite claiming to be good people. Since he has made Shuichi think about him constantly, he claims he has already "killed" him by "stealing his heart". So many words that mean "common sense"but who decides which one is right? In the end, he was given a uniform as white as possible that would be contrasted by the colors of his hair and scarf. They also remembered basic details of the cult bent on stopping the Gofer Project saying that mankind deserved damnation, and the Gofer Project itself. This must be the powerful bond of friendship. He then called Maki out as that liar, essentially claiming that she had been lying to everyone about her true identity this entire time. English 's, corpse. Kokichi overheard and offered to use his lockpicking skills in order to get into the lab, only to find the Ultimate Artist dead in the middle of her four wax effigies of the deceased that hung upside down from the ceiling. His title is the Ultimate Supreme Leader ( lit. ", "No matter how dangerous it gets, we just have to do it.