COPYRIGHT 2023 BIBLICAL ARCHAEOLOGY SOCIETY 5614 Connecticut Ave NW #343, Washington DC 20015-2604. Handwritten well over 1600 years ago, the manuscript contains the Christian Bible in Greek, including the oldest complete copy of the New Testament. Biblical quotations corrected on September 18, 2022. 1209), designated by siglum B or 03 (in the Gregory-Aland numbering), 1 ( von Soden ), is a fourth-century Christian manuscript of a Greek Bible, containing the majority of the Greek Old Testament and the majority of the Greek New Testament. It should be noted, for starters, that the four pages containing Mark 15:54b-Luke 1:56a were not produced by the same copyist who wrote the text on the surrounding pages. Through this codex, the R.V. Some modern versions of the New Testament, based primarily on the Alexandrian Text, have drawn many readings into question even though the readings are affirmed in ancient patristic compositions and are supported by the overwhelming majority of manuscripts. That is how the system works. Pilate was used to trouble makers in Judea and he saw and heard a lot of phony messiahs, and many of those were armed to the teeth to try and get rid of Romes power base in Judea. The idea that older is automatically better has deceived many people when it comes to this text that was found by Tischendorf and used by Westcott and Hort and the like. But do it with a sincerely open mind. the truth and power of God]. Consider another example. Where can we find proof of the existence of God? Also, like most early mss, Codex Sinaiticus omits John 7:53-8:11, not just 8:3-11. Galatians 4:6. I will always prefer the KJV with all its faults. Thanks. Manuscripts such as the famous Codex Sinaiticus (01) and Codex Vaticanus (03, also known as B) of the fourth century C.E. Textual Variants that are Meaningful and Viable The Three Competing Theories - Overview New Testament Textual Families or "Text Types" The "Critical Text" Theory, aka "Reasoned Eclecticism The Rules of Textual Criticism According to Reasoned Eclecticism The Aland Rules of Textual Criticism Reasoned Eclecticism Methodology More so with Jesus deciples, they were not listening to remember but to learn. Im trying to see if there has ever been any other number than 144,000 taken in the first biblical calling mentioned in Revelations. Take a look at these two English translations. I really enjoyed the side-by-side comparison; its clear that scribes through time have substantially modified the text. Your email address will not be published. I bless you in the Name of the Father, the SON and the HOLY Spirit. Please site such evidence if it exists. Disinformation is a great tool for controlling our minds! They play both sides sometimes it is original and sometimes not. Mentioning of Jesus resurrection and his identity as the Son of God and even as the I am are found in numerous other passages in the Codex Sinaiticus. Why have you chosen to have an article about Whats missing. with 2 passages (John 8 and Mark 1) we already knew were out of several manuscripts? They are significant. Silly, utter nonsense spawned by Satans minions. That is why the copying of Bible manuscripts was such a big business. almost a millionaireAnd so if my little stash is diminshed little by little who will care? Anything that gets into the public arena gets trashed, but in a way it makes me happy to read all, the responses, because it tells me that there are still passionate people out there who are looking. I find it amazing that you all believe in this nonsense. delivered over to death, that they may return to the truth and sin And no, Steve, the are thousands and thousands positives and no negatives at all. But also the TaNaKh which gives the OT a different structure to consider, especially when you talk about prophets. Unbelievable! Just wish the world would realize that all organized religions are made up by mankind. I am mainly interested in all the verses that were not in the oldest manuscripts. To believers (in whatever version they *like* ?) The Sinaitic Syriac is considered one of the most important Biblical manuscripts discovered, right along with such Greek manuscripts as the Codex Sinaiticus and the Codex Vaticanus. Thanks to the comment by Frank, now I am seeing where the Oneness BS concept is being derived from. So, you admit there are serious problems with Sinaiticus bibles and also that the only thing of importance to you is you can still be saved using these bibles. Dig into more than 9,000 articles in the Biblical Archaeology Societys vast library plus much morewith an All-Access pass. Amen ! But it seems quite okay and acceptable if we put our own spin on Gods word. It ought to be a foregone conclusion, then, that Sinaiticus has a better text of Revelation 22:10-21 than the Textus Receptus has. However, it is not . After 10 minutes of conversation see who remembers exactly what was said 8 minutes ago. A translator that believes can be biased by his believes. No one was copying the thought in ant way, it now was a part of each hearers memory and as such will be changed a bit by each hearer. There are over 5,800 hand written New Testament manuscripts on record which predate the Guttenburg press. We wont,we will always make asumptions based in what we have and might never been correct. Describes her perfectly. In it we are given this assurance: The green grass dries up, the blossom withers, but the word of our God endures forever. (Isaiah 40:8; 1 Peter 1:25) The version known as the Peshitta plays a humble but important role in the accurate transmission of the Bibles message to all of humanity You cant get any plalner than that. And Christ replied to them, Same guy that established the doctrine of the Trinity, btw. Actually, the Christian apologist who says that BAR is wrong to point out the theological significance of omitting the ascension and the resurrection appearances in the corrupt Critical Text is himself naive., BAR, you are supposed to be a scholarly magazine. Its as if phrases were added with reckless abandon. Dating to the mid-fourth century C.E., Codex Sinaiticus is the oldest complete manuscript of the New Testament. Blessings to you! righteousness which is in heaven.[. But it would be fair for an annotated version of the Bible to include reference to I am just saying. Raghaven..Yes then it must be true because you read it here. . The Textus Receptus is the text that has been used for 2,000 years by Christians. "Textus Receptus Only"/"Received Text Only" - This group holds the position that the traditional Greek texts represented in the Textus Receptus were supernaturally (or providentially) preserved and that other Greek manuscripts not used in this compilation may be flawed. But the people supporting the Vaticanus and Sinaiticus say that since Textus Receptus came after these two, many things must have been erroneously added to the texts. Space does not allow me point out the mutilation of Codex Vaticanus (B). If I have 999, 999 dollar coins, one may conclude that I am a millionaire, even I might. Last time I looked poison is stil poison no matter what kind it is. Have a look at Proverbs 30:4 A million is a million, not one less than a million. Vatican City is the very whore that is drunk with the blood of the Saints. I prefer to accept the word of God by faith, the same way we attain salvation. It appears in the Greek Codex Alexandrinus of the fifth century, the Latin Vulgate, and elsewhere. What is his assessment? How is it that these ancient manuscripts lay forgotten (Siniaticus) or ignored (Vaticanus) for 1500 years or more? Like all of them If there is more than what is listed here on this page? These all have been traced (by liberal and conservative scholars alike) to a probable source in Alexandria, Egypt, in the 2nd or 3rd century. What about the recognized theory that John is the first gospel written? I am still looking into this. Just like in the 1800s , Europe saw an infiltration into the Seminaries and Colleges by Romes agents to weaken Protestant influence for the ensuing generations and swing them back to Rome (still going on today folks), so too the work of W&H in the late 1800s brought a major shift in the thinking about how scholars should or could go about their work of translation of Scripture. Perhaps one that shows there is far more unity and consistency in early Christian theology than disunity and change, as this article suggests? If this were true, the absence of resurrection in Mark would not be a problem because it appears in the older Matthean gospel. How is this negative? Just like the serpent was doing the devils dirty work in the Garden of Eden where God walked and talked with our first parents, (and conquered for a time), so too the devil has had his agents working to subvert and pervert Scripturelittle by little, line by line, here a little there a little over many centuries. One needs to study the various Codices and again ask why have certain critical aspects like (1) Jesus Christ being part of the Godhead, or (2) that we are saved only through Jesus Christ and his blood atoning sacrifice for our sins, have been changed or completely left out? The Sinaiticus and Vaticanus uncials with many other most important Bible manuscripts - Hebrew, Greek, Coptic and Syriac - came from Alexandria." (The International Standard Biblical Encylopedia) Clearly the Alexandrinus Codex is from Egypt. After a cursory review, I count eight mistakes in this little article. So it got past Mark 16:9, but I do not know for certain if it reached 16:20. If somebody takes one of those dollar coins, it still looks like a lot money and I almost have a million dollars. This use of parchment as the leading writing material continued for almost a thousand years until it was replaced by paper. But the rest of scripture gives this doxology in many other areas. How about logic? What I think is significant is that the basic message of the bible hasnt changed regardless of which Greek manuscript is used for translation into English. It is one of the four great uncial codices. Vat., Vat. The Textus Receptus is the text which the King James translators used. Hundreds of english Bible versions, and most of them are ONLY making small changes ..INSIGNIFICANT changes which over time become gradually accepted. We know the Catholics hated the Bible then and even today. It is now generally believed that both the Curetonian and Sinaitic manuscripts are extant copies of the old Syriac Gospels dating from the late second or early third century. However, in 1881 scholars Westcott and Hort published a new Greek New Testament text that included the findings of Codex Vaticanus and Codex Sinaiticus. Ever think possibly he had more than ONE resource ??? All religions are based on truth claims. Several corrections are needed to this post. What is so important about the KJV being a translation from the Textus Receptus (received text)??? As Rodney King said, Cant we all just get along? Actually at least to me it does seem to be more important to be able to get along than to be right, however right is defined. Many of the larger monasteries had a scriptorium in which the production of new manuscripts was constant. The text of Codex Sinaiticus differs in numerous instances from that of the authorized version of the Bible in use during Tischendorfs time. The codex is an Alexandrian text-type manuscript in uncial letters on parchment. the Minority Texts (primarily the Westcott and Hort Greek Text, based primarily on the Codex Sinaiticus and the Codex Vaticanus). Now we all know what we have been told about the manuscripts upon which the Textus Receptus was based: they were "The feeblest of manuscript resources" and "Late medieval manuscripts of inferior quality" and so forth.But this collides with what we see in John 6:65-7:16, where minuscule 4 has less corruption than Codex Sinaiticus. The English translation of the Textus Receptus: But some of them were men from Cyprus and Cyrene, who, when they had come to Antioch, spoke to the Hellenists, preaching the Lord . Second, they use the Codex to show that several key parts of the New Testament showing the deity of Messiah are absent, and the Codex is more original. i say that all things will be made clear when Jesus comes back pretty soon. Thats pretty much identical to the late, great Chuck Smiths (founder of the Calvary Chapel movement) opinion. Ive known for a long time these differences existed, I just have never been able to figure out how these differences came to be. i have an 1560 geneva bible and 1611 an an 1678 an 1769.. 1829..1841 and also use other revived text bibles. My goodness it appears that the Word of God inerrant, unchanging has many versions, and that these versions do not agree with each other. The codex sin was proven to be a fraudulent in court. If we speak of provenance in an art museum, we know where the picture has been since it was painted by the artist. Unlike the KJV. I believe GOD has preserved his word as he said he would . Recently found my way back to God, after researching for many, many years other types of religions/beleifs. I can answer the first question here in part from my own experience. Each issue of Biblical Archaeology Review features lavishly illustrated and easy-to-understand articles such as: Fascinating finds from the Hebrew Bible and New Testament periods, The latest scholarship by the world's greatest archaeologists and distinguished scholars, Stunning color photographs, informative maps, and diagrams, Reviews of the latest books on biblical archaeology, 45+ years of Biblical Archaeology Review, 20+ years of Bible Review online, providing critical interpretations of biblical texts. One other omission in Codex Sinaiticus with theological implications is the reference to Jesus ascension in Luke 24:51. Textus Receptus (Latin: "received text") refers to all printed editions of the Greek New Testament from Erasmus's Novum Instrumentum omne (1516) to the 1633 Elzevir edition. William posts As Rodney King said, Cant we all just get along? Actually at least to me it does seem to be more important to be able to get along than to be right, however right is defined. That is called relativism, a scourge which has infected our culture. It would enshrine the abominable concept that the church was without the most correct text for 1600 years. Other versions like the Codex Sinaiticus have but one or two manuscripts, so despite the age and missing content versus the KJV Bible, one needs to only weigh the odds of which versions seems likely to be more correct. So is the conclusion of the Lords Prayer: For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Required fields are marked *. These discarded old manuscripts that were full of scribal errors and as result were never circulated by the church. Any organization that uses the KJV as a baseline English translation for textual criticism can safely be dismissed by anyone looking to take this topic seriously. 2 Timothy 4 King James Version (KJV) I found the many negatives, outweigh the few positives.I forced myself to face the truth of this, grew up and have been happy not to look back. Did God speak directly to King James I and the various groups of translators assembled by him to produce the KJV for the English-speaking world??? Unless I am mistaken, I have not seen the book of Daniel in the codex sinaticus. We did not command ityet We bestowed on those among them who believed, their due reward, but many of them are rebellious.. It was not something that they had to work out..DID HE or DIDNT HE? But just to make sure, here's a comparison of both texts to the contents of Revelation 22:10-21 as printed in the Tyndale House edition of the Greek New Testament: Hope this is helpful to prevent some misunderstandings. Versions of the bible that are forever under scrutiny?. I believe youll find that no one every spoke like Jesus, because Jesus was more than a man. Robert Estienne 1550 Theodore Beza 1598 Elzevir 1624 Scrivener 1894 Reina Valera 1909 Tyndale Bible Hooray for the proponents of Sinaiticus and Vaticanus. I didnt want to put it with other translations on my bookshelves lest someone read it unawares and was led astray, but I did not feel comfortable destroying it so I hid it. Also, in Matthew 6:9, Codex Sinaiticus *does* have the phrase who is in heaven (which is omitted as presented above). contends that Tischendorf should be considered a hero, not a thief, Tischendorf on Trial for Removing Codex Sinaiticus, the Oldest New Testament., 3 Pilgrimage Paths from Galilee to Jerusalem, Dating the Oldest New Testament Christian Manuscripts, The Bethesda Pool, Site of One of Jesus Miracles, The Original Bible and the Dead Sea Scrolls,,,,,,,,,, Since then, many editions of the Greek New Testament have been published. Now, I said all that to simply say this - There is a very noticeable and contradictory statement found in Acts 19:16. Two hundred years after Constantine Tischendorfs birth, questions remain as to the conditions of his removal of Codex Sinaiticus from St. Catherines Monastery. However, this addition does not appear in the oldest Greek manuscripts. The devil you can see is not so much a problem as the devil which you cant see, but yet is very active. Textus Receptus is Latin for "Received Text." It was used as the textual base for the vernacular translations that arose during the Reformation period. And We sent Noah and Abraham, and established in their descendants prophecy and the Book: and some of them are rightly guided, but many are rebellious. 4 I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; 2 Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine.