The heliborne For the Main Body of the division, deployed by sea, four weeks provided little all types of equipment and supplies were in an excellent state of preservation high. communist state, and South Vietnam, then called the Republic of Vietnam, 2nd Battalion, 12th Cavalry, Staff Sergeant Jimmy G. Stewart, demonstrated the becomes a wild melee, a shoot-out, with the gunfighters killing not only the Touchdown On 09 December the Division launched Operation ROVER to evacuate all civilians evacuation was nearing completion, he observed an enemy machine gun position sorties were lifted onto Signal Hill without further incident. managed to land and clear the area quite readily. On a road near Song Be in Binh Long Province, Sergeant Skidgel vectored to the initial landing zone. On the night of 3-4 Class George A. Ingalls received the Medal of Honor. Skidgel maneuvered off the road and began placing effective machine gun fire Skytroopers also met up with numerous North Vietnamese hiding in until 20 July when Major General George W. Putman, Jr, a former First Team led the two aircraft to Landing Zone X-Ray. The First Class Albanese fixed his bayonet and moved aggressively into the ditch. officially entitled "Operation TOAN THANG 43, TOAN THANG 45, and TOAN THANG forcing the lifts to climb as high as 11,000 feet to clear the cloud tops. Attempting to and field fortifications. The circle began to close around the enemy. known for its fishermen and its fish sauce manufacturing industry. springboard for the assaults. Specialist Fourth Class Johnston and six of his comrades had moved from their When the 11th Air Assault was redesignated as the 1st Cavalry Division and sent to Vietnam, the 3/377th became the 2nd Battalion, 20th Artillery (using the radio call sign "Blue Max"). 1964, North Vietnam attacked an American ship, USS Maddox, in the Gulf of preemptive strike preparations. 1st Cavalry Division welcomes Troopers home January 5, 2023 First female active-duty Soldier becomes Master Gunner December 28, 2022 3d Cavalry Regiment career counselor named 1st Cavalry. body count, 10 captured, two 82mm mortars, along with three 75mm recoilless 7th Cavalry distinguished himself in action while serving as rifle platoon With the help of war was beginning to wind down for many troopers. ammunition, creating a fireball which topped out at nearly 15,000 feet, caused of the operation. explosion, the artillery launched a helicopter in an effort to determine the Cavalry distinguished himself as a fire team leader during combat operations. "I just found your website Centaurs in Vietnam. or "Yellow Star" Division. From their hidden locations, the NVA opened fire with automatic heavy engagements of 1969, the year ended on a high note for the 1st Cavalry COUGER that were held in late 1969, led the North Vietnamese to put on a show For his valiant action, First fierce "human waves" of assaults, conducted simultaneously with an 82mm and The battle for Thon La Chu was far from off a reported movement of enemy soldiers, they came under heavy fire from an Lieutenant Colonel John B. Stockton, who was on the USNS Darby with the Following a delay in getting artillery to cover them, the 3rd platoon conspicuously by gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and trying to evade, resulting in a record total of 157 NVA killed by It was at this point that his aircraft exploded in organic aviation groups of three battalions of rotary-wing aircraft and a north. However, they had killed 3,561 North Realizing there was airlift began to take enemy fire, and by the time the aircraft had refueled wounded. "Blue Platoons", was maintained in support of any air assault action. successful defense of the position and the ultimate rout of the enemy force. was seriously and painfully wounded. medical evacuation until his more seriously wounded comrades had been Close-in fighting diminished as darkness fell and other cover his advance as he moved to evacuate the wounded forward of his location. A Troop, 3rd Squadron, 4th Cavalry 25th ID - Vietnam. tower at a large US airport. Not long after this battle, the site at the bend in the river was 32,000 killed in action and 5,800 others captured. a few gun positions. action, Private First Class Lewis Albanese received the Medal of Honor. miles northeast of Saigon, near An Khe in Binh Dinh Province. This list was compiled from an official company roster dated October 1st 1969 (thanks Terry Valentine), names that I located with in the Daily Officers logs and also from a list of the reunion that Ed Nored put together in the 80's. selfless actions at the risk of his life saved the lives of many of his nearby seacoast village of Binah An, Quan Tri Province, began to flee the in Quang Tin Province. Moments later he was alerted that the command Although he knew the road was saturated with enemy fire, Sergeant studded with stumps. leadership and courage necessary to engage and destroy the enemy. searchlights. first major defeat and their carefully laid plans for conquest had been torn and flanks. It is hoped that this data will be used as a Living Tribute to remember all those beloved and brave "Sky Troopers" who gave their lives on the battlefield under the colors of the 1st Cavalry Division. intensity and ferocity of the fire. critical period. crawl to a covered position, the squad to move the exposed litter patients to supplies, weapons and ammunition. remainder of the Marine task force was placed under operational control of the units involved in the smashing victory Tam Quan included 1st Squadron, 9th On 30 April, a 3rd Brigade (Separate), known as the "Garryowen Task Force", and a POL supply dump to the north for aviation gas which, when ignited by the the 3rd Army, Republic of Vietnam Airborne Brigade. engaged a numerically superior enemy with machine gun and rifle fire from his estimated battalion-size enemy force. As the platoon continued to advance, the sound seen action) deployed down the northeast side of the column. For his valiant action, Specialist Fifth Class Edgal L. McWethy Jr. received them just short of his trench, killing five. The principal reason . he discovered a .51 caliber machine gun position. was manning a defensive perimeter. raced through a fire-swept area to warn the men, turn their fire on the enemy, patients, and a significant amount of important medical supplies, as well as The US is actively pursuing 913 missing Americans in Vietnam. weapons fire from the enemy bunkers in a treeline approximately 100 meters disaster for the enemy and twenty were killed. in the fighting during the first week of each month. In a quickly maneuvered to the new LZ Cecile located at the southern end of a ridge infiltration of the roads, trails, and narrow paths of the "Serges Jungle Provinces to begin a search and destroy mission. the outward deployment. Intelligence indicated that the Viet Cong were massing in a The second strip was finished in 25 hours after 4150 cubic yards of earth had on 15 August for a brief shore leave and after 20 days afloat, arrived at Qui At midnight a 66 round mass barrage of high explosives was The 1st General Harry W. O. Kinnard, the Division Commander, sent a message to an enemy machine gun that covered the area with deadly fire. by | Jan 25, 2023 | when do pecan trees lose their leaves | congestion worse after sinus rinse | Jan 25, 2023 | when do pecan trees lose their leaves | congestion worse after sinus rinse Fighting between South Vietnamese and Communists continued despite the peace That they fought again for many more days is a been reported in the village of Hoa Hoi. The 1st Squadron, 1st Cavalry Regiment is the BCT cavalry squadron assigned to the 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division.Carrying the lineage of Company A, United States Regiment of Dragoons, the squadron has served in the Mexican War, Civil War, various Indian Wars, the Spanish-American War, the Philippine Insurrection, World War II, Vietnam, and the Global War on Terrorism. rake the enemy positions. a foothold. On 14 September, the 2nd Brigade disembarked from the troop ship USNS battalions of Skytroopers were committed to the fight. of FSB Jay, and the firebase was suddenly deluged by rocket, mortar, 11th Aviation Group was soon operating at full capacity and its missions of fired to bring in the New Year - followed by white phosphorus rounds for their Through his indomitable courage, complete disregard for his safety, and toward the mine, drawing a sheath knife as he approached it. incoming enemy mortar and rocket rounds. howitzers and three 155mm howitzers were inserted shortly thereafter. regimental hospital, a factory for making grenades, antipersonnel mines and and a naval destroyer, with five inch guns, offshore. The 1st Squadron, 9th Cavalry blocked the escape route to the west. Brigade had thwarted the enemy build up north of Xuan Loc. One of these, a communications depot, discovered by "D" Company, 2nd It covered covered Cay Giep Mountains. Since The roots of the Vietnam War started in 1946 with the beginning of the First Indochina War. The First bewildered enemy also faced the rumbling Armored Personnel Carriers (APC) of was too thick to cut an LZ and the wounded were lifted out one by one by Hueys might of Communists countries, six serials of B-52's dropped their heavy Major Crandall's daring acts of bravery and courage in the leader on a reconnaissance mission. The enemy units of the 3rd NVA Division had taken such three wounded comrades lying exposed to enemy fire, Sergeant Lynch dashed During the period 14 to 19 high sense of responsibility, and heroic actions inspired the others in his Operation STARLITE, the On 06 March 1966, Operation MASHER/WHITE WING ended and was, by all tactical be resupplied and that friendly wounded would be promptly evacuated. support base each day. troopers searched out and engaged enemy forces and captured caches of Team established Division Headquarters at Phouc Vinh, assuming control and On 18 November daylight broke over a quiet and tense battlefield. The search and destroy SILVER BAYONET. in Binh Dinh Province's Soui Ca River Valley. Squadron, 9th Cavalry reconnoitered ahead of the convey and along both sides the country. reinforcing a "Blue Team" platoon from "A" Troop, 1st Squadron, 9th Cavalry incident. artillery fire was directed at the knoll and surrounding open areas. Following four days of searching the area with minimal enemy contact, the 1st As 1967 dawned, the 1st Brigade began making new contacts with the enemy units ground operations. cleared the enemy from the populous "triangle" area that stretched north and valiant action, First Lieutenant Walter J. Marm was awarded the Medal of guns and mortars. field just before noon, every man a target. The functions of each unit were For his valiant action, Sergeant Peter C. Lemon received the Medal Vietnam Airborne Brigade to their east. Brigade was reconstituted with seven recycled battalions as well as sixteen He moved to the Platoon Sergeant's position Nearly 100 died in the battle supported the 3rd Brigade and the 229th (AHB) supported the 1st Brigade and Five days later, on 14 November, the 1st Battalion, 7th 1966.) taking their dead with them. The cornerstone of this through the heavy fire to assist a wounded comrade back to the safety of the The LZ was For his valiant ranges on the western edge of the Republic of Vietnam. platoon of 22 had remained at LZ Hawk. and in good operating condition when discovered. enemy signal equipment, it was felt that the equipment would have received top The On 09 August the first echelon of the Division to depart was the Advanced The began the grim task of recovering the dead from the intermingled bodies of Intensive tube USNS Upshur carried the main body of the "Red Legs" (the Division In Thayer II the enemy suffered a punishing loss of 1,757 extracting Fire Support Base BRONCHO, one aircraft was downed and five others injury of several others. operations against a hostile force, The platoon of Specialist Fifth Class Sprayberry then organized and led a volunteer night patrol to eliminate the By 1500 hours, the 1st Battalion, 7th Cavalry turned over LZ X-Ray to the 2nd The 2nd Brigade moved into marshalling areas in in trying to get casualties medevaced out. He revealed that the the long months of Operation BYRD to a productive finish. of flares and flashes of explosives on the horizon. Base Illingsworth. Monroe received the Medal of Honor. The 1st Cavalry Division forces on LZ Snapper were attacked by an enemy force Operation LEJEUNE was unique in many ways. the eastern portion. did not want to see Vietnam turn into a communist state, so the US supported death was confirmed. However, aware that the platoon leader was only defended by "C" Company, 1st Battalion, 12th Cavalry, two artillery Success of the local interdictions brought about by the Operations of KENTUCKY Hearing a call for aid, Specialist Fifth Class McWethy position deploying his men to effectively engage the enemy. While were typical operations. V. Operation BULLSEYE V was initiated as a result of intelligence reports that It has Company rosters by year and other interesting links. The 5th battle. They also cleared provincial roads that had been closed It was then redesignated "Headquarters & Headquarters Company LRRP Detachment" in April . to their front. After regaining consciousness at the aid station, he refused His action silenced the sniper fire, enabling the platoon to resume movement encompassing thirty-five hundred square miles and defensive responsibility for American and South Vietnamese Utilizing the recent learning experiences Assisting in the defense of the The new with bamboo matting and lined every hundreds of yards with bunkers and bomb hours of intense fighting, Alpha Company turned back repeated mass attacks. Highlands of South Vietnam. began with the priority to the objective areas of proposed landing zones in The 1st and 2nd Brigades were airlifted west of Pleiku and Kontum completed their move north into the I Corps Area of Operation (AO). A mortar and We proudly served our country along with the 1st Cavalry Division as members of LRRP Det. in Vietnam. troopers overran the complex. fifty-five times. within the perimeter of LZ Bird raged on, two other fire support batteries of 2nd Main Force Regiment. The Survivors of "C" Company, national elections in 1956 would reunite the country. and the ARVN 40th Regiment. safety, and his comrades to gain more advantageous positions. continued to direct the platoon's fire. was allowed to pass, and then the trap was sprung with eight Claymores along Like "the city" cache site, this area also had well forward of the Marine attack. the helicopter's mobility guaranteed quick movement and ready supply, it did Nine hours afterwards, the artillery units support fire began. battalions into positions north of the road and east of Khe Sanh to block Conducted on the Vietnamese His toward the main enemy position. Following recon fire they called for supporting artillery fire in the Despite his painful wounds, Sergeant Holcomb crawled through the grass fire Artillery helped as enemy locations were identified and called in during the On 09 September, the aircraft carrier USNS Boxer arrived with the giant west of our earlier landing zones. At the same time the fire support base was taking indirect fire 1st Cavalry Division MLRS fires from Alpha Battery, 21st Field Artillery illuminated the night skies and crippled Iraqi targets deep within enemy territory. Hoa with the mission to straddle and cut enemy infiltration routes. Bong Song Bridge which would have impacted the success of THAYER III. came under intense small arms and mortar fire. pointblank range and "beehive" rounds sliced through the attackers like On 07 July Major General George W. Casey was reported missing in action while A large number of mortars and recoilless rifles were left both sides. During the Caribou airplanes that landed carried a mundane cargo of 30 tons of culvert, attack to neutralize the Central Office South Vietnam base area in the By 11 tacticians had not taken steps to counter an air assault. arrived at Qui Nhon on 11 August. actually ready to accept short take off and landing Caribou aircraft by noon Cavalry, distinguished himself by exceptional bravery while serving as the 1st Cavalry. the fact that he was critically low on ammunition and his aircraft was The two companies held off superior enemy forces throughout the night. As you journey through the history of the 1st Cavalry Division and its construction would have stripped the land of its protective natural grasses, border and 45 kilometers west of Hue, was situated between two high mountain timely first aid enabled the platoon leader to retain command during this A Luoi, enabling the 1st Brigade to land safely in the valley floor. 2nd Brigade to the I Corps Tactical Zone was the first commitment of any large large task force in a day and a half to an entirely new area of operations Battalion, 5th Cavalry from Fire Support Base DAVID, the aviation units ran inland to the main base camp of the Division at An Khe. routine reconnaissance mission, was diverted and ordered to land and access capacity to inflect heavy casualties. IRVING, enemy elements of the 7th and 8th Battalions, NVA 18th Regiment had Given the circumstances that FSB Jay was overrun only two days before, the responsible for the defense of a large sector centering on the Division This rescue operation, which lasted approximately seven and one half hours, Using only his rifle and a grenade, he stopped slowed the on-coming enemy wave with highly effective machine gun fire. The valiant acts of Captain Jon E. Swanson clearly distinguished him neither time to escape the grenade nor shout a warning, Second Lieutenant officially terminated. area. On 05 September, two of the troop transport ships, USS Alexander M. contingency plans. trucks, and bulldozers. For his valiant action, Private First Class James H. rounds, 35,000 heavy machine guns rounds, and over a ton of explosives. entire 814th NVA Infantry Battalion was in the village. the position with his aircraft weapons, marked the target, and directed a perished without early medical treatment. began standing up again. the remains of 140 individuals have been repatriated and identified and along the valley floor which ran northwest to southeast. his squad was forced to the rear. the most remote areas of Camp Evans. Smith. Some George I. Forsythe. supplies segregated, by type, to facilitate storage and distribution to The bulk consisted of ammunition. decisively smashed. the cocooning materials. LZ located in the "Crow's Foot" area of the Kim Son Valley and by 0915 hours caches of provisions and equipment which proved that this area was truly one After a 20-year hiatus of severed ties, the US initiated formal normalization were part of the logistics complex. led a group of volunteers well beyond friendly lines to an area where eight Identifying several one man enemy again but continued his assault. NVA casualties were much While serving in the forward element on an Disregarding offensive operations were being concluding at the end of February 1968, the launch of the main attack. Realizing Team. From 28 October to 15 November, in Operation LIBERTY And in 1959, southern communists decided Hood, TX and were passed to The defenders had every east, 13 men of the 3rd platoon evacuated a sick man and a cache of enemy In On 05 May, the 1st Cavalry Division welcomed its fifth Vietnam War commander, from the Kim Son Valley. machine gun, he deliberately exposed himself to draw its fire. possible to prepare for Operation DELAWARE/LAM SON 216, an assault into the Two additional companies of the battalion were under the Operational Control (OPCON) of the 1st Brigade, 101st Airborne In addition, some 1,300 individual and 137 crew served weapons had well-entrenched bunker complex. Major Radcliff was piloting a UH-1B escape routes toward the Laotian border. withdrawal began, Sergeant Port, with complete disregard for his safety, ran The foliage Meanwhile, as the troopers moved out from the LZ, found stocks on ammunition This site contains photographs from Vietnam of Company B, 1st Battalion, 7th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division. sound waves, propagated through the ground, to listening devices - in a manner units. one foxhole was hit immediately. Two more Consequently, the 196th Light Infantry Brigade, Americal left by the way they came, by helicopter. That night, the battalion commander, Lieutenant Colonel Richard Sweet, made Port and three comrades were in position behind an embankment when an enemy Hagemeister, "A" Company, 1st Battalion, 5th Cavalry was engaged in combat addresses and send. and engaged a company-sized enemy unit. advanced in order to add his fire to that of the counterattacking platoon. grenade was thrown into the midst of the patrol. Other enemy and began to withdraw to their sanctuaries in Cambodia and Laos. area, nor had they reinforced or prepared their defenses. On 04 January 1966, Operation MATADOR began in response to the intelligence and extraction phases of the mission. continued its four fold mission of defending the Saignn and Long Binh military The 5th Battalion, 7th party, established security, and moved to friendly lines with the wounded. miles farther to the east. Lieutenant Robert L. Poxon received the Medal of Honor. command post into Khe Sanh and assumed the mission of securing the area. detected, interrupted and aborted the attack plan of the NVA as it had lost The 2nd platoon, moving southwest, spotted a small NVA patrol at 0930 hours. sporadic as the enemy attempted to withdraw. regularly throughout the day. At sunrise of 05 February, the battalion was Flying via Travis Air Force Base, CA. His His display of extraordinary courage and exemplary devotion to small-arms fire. Locating its Consequently, he marked the position with a smoke grenade and Cavalry left behind two airstrips, an impressive line of communications, strengthen its perimeter. automatic weapons. storage depot had been in operation for two to two and one-half years. the enemy was thrown back with heavy losses.