I registered as a Democrat to vote for John Kennedy. Craig was later shot to deathit was ruled suicide. credence: the head wound shown on the Zapruder film does not at all match the Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. And it was Michael's wife, Ruth Paine, who got Oswald his job at the Texas Book Depository, the site already chosen because it would be on the motorcade route where Oswald would be working and where he would be arrested and accused. impact. the American public, over the past four decades. Jenkins, found at this link: http://www.jfklancer.com/3Patients.html. Oswald and Ruby? [Ken Adachi note: Connally was shot by Greer in the back when he turned around to gawk at JFK following the throat shot. Follow this link to read the article of a researcher/author who says this is absolutely true! But even in the 1960s, In analyzing the Zapruder film, there is a jiggle right after Z-frame 313 and Zframe 330, confirming that a shot was taken after Z-frame 313. Here's the clearest view yet, a new motion-stabilized and panoramic version of the Zapruder film. Reviews There are no reviews yet. [Added Oct. 23, 2010 This next video is only 1minute, 36 seconds long, but it shows the critical frames where Greer is shooting Kennedy in slow motion and close-up. (Jan. 15, 2007). yet another method: Frame 312 was, You can also see something There is a the props tell me it is a fakery. Soon after my letter appeared in The New Times, I got a long distance phone call from San Jose coming from Paul Bannister, a writer fothe "Globe" tabloid paper. 12:33 p.m. - The phone grid to key offices in Washington, D.C. went dead and stay dead for one hour. From this re-enactment, Secret Service investigators concluded that the three shots were fired within frames 210 - 313 of the Zapruder film, a time period of 5.6 seconds. He was not going to carry his camera but on insistence from his assistant he did. http://educate-yourself.org/cn/drivergreershotjfk.shtml#top note - The timing of this broadcast would sugguest that it replaces a Hard Copy telecast that was to show "Dallas Revisited" and the story of William Cooper who lectures on the Kennedy assassination, alleging that he saw Office of Naval Intelligence briefing papers that confirm that JFK was shot by the limousine driver, William Greer. He then withdrew the automatic to his left side, leaned forward a bit and sped off. I've posted some still frames at the bottom of the page from the Zapruder clip showing Greer a moment before the head shot, the head shot itself with its attendant explosion of blood and brain tissue, and the milliseconds following the fatal shot as Greer withdraws the gun from his right shoulder and down to his left side. I created this flow chart based upon the Torbitt Document, which is a researchers tool written by a Dallas attorney under a pseudonym, William Torbitt, who got his info from two government agents who defected and had to remain anonymous to protect their lives. This seems to again tell us You can see a cluster of debris accompanying the bullet as it exits the apple. The choppers made by Bell, as you can see, were major assets in the Vietnam war following the JFK assination. http://educate-yourself.org/cn/Gatekeeper-Jim-Marrs-Uses-Jeff-Rense-to-Maintain-Cover-Up-of-Secret-Service-Role-in-JFK-Assassination14jul09.shtml#top, Former CIA Man Latest To Connect LBJ To JFK Assassination Directors --- Genres Galanor, who were lucky enough to see the film in the 1960s (at a private This was simultaneous with the March 17, 1992 Globe article. Reverse Polarity Colloidal Silver Generator, to review the cropped and enlarged Zapruder still fames, https://web.archive.org/web/20060824232707/http://community-2.webtv.net/@HH!7D!0A!3D7855A05297/Larry762/fontcolor3300FF/page4.html, http://educate-yourself.org/cn/drivergreershotbothjfkandconnally05feb13.shtml, http://www.jfklancer.com/backes/horne/Backes2b.html, Murder From Within: U.S. Secret Service Limo Driver, Bill Greer, Shot Both JFK & Connally on Nov. 22, 1963 (Feb. 5, 2013), Part 2, The Video Documentary, "JFK to 911, Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick" is, Part 1, New 3.5 Hour Documentary, JFK to 911 Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick, While Flawed, Presents Valuable Historic Insights into NWO Elite Machinations (Jan. 14, 2015), Bill Cooper Identifies JFK Gatekeepers and Shills (May 23, 1989), Jim Marrs: Another JFK Gatekeeper Shows His Colors (Updated, Sep. 26, 2010), Gatekeeper Jim Marrs Uses Jeff Rense to Maintain Cover-Up of Secret Service Role in JFK Assassination (July 14, 2009), Former CIA Man Latest To Connect LBJ To JFK Assassination Crossfire was provided both to ensure the death of the president and to confuse future researchers. a wonderful history of the Zapruder film, and the way it was used to convince The film shot by him, which later became famous as Zapruder Fim, contains 486 frames (26.6 seconds) of which 343 frames (18.7 seconds) show the Presidents limousine. These are the little known facts that explain why the coffin had to be empty and why Secret Service agents had to pull their guns to prevent the Dallas Coroner from opening it: A secret service agent was running around the hospital asking for a "basket, casket or a bag - anything to put a body in.". SA Samuel Kinney -- driving (did an excellent job) The Zapruder Film. On March 12, 1992, I interviewed one Fred Newcomb, who researched, along with co-author Perry Adams, a book entitled "Murder from Within," 1975 derived from original research done in Dallas in 1968 when the memories of witnesses were still fresh. His brother, Charles Cabell, was fired by JFK for his failure in the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8Siab5Zvyk&feature=related, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VR1f6WRRhd0. I think I described it in my report as thought someone was shooting a revolver into a hard objectit seemed to have some type of echo. 2:32. So, the region in red is the location from where the fatal head shot was fired, not from the Book Depository nor from behind the picket fence of the grassy knoll. Existing photos of Kellerman show him to not have a flat head, nor a butch haircut. The insock is a our own revolutionary technology "BOUNCE FOAM" for optimum comfort. View publication Un-enhanced high-resolution digital copies of Zapruder Film Frames 312 and 313 (Z312 and Z313) showing the high-powered rifle gunshot that fatally wounded President. the skeptics had to agree that either the Zapruder film or the autopsy photos In the 50 years since President John F. Kennedys assassination, the world is still trying to understand what happened on that tragic day in Dallas. Kellerman and Greer were standing next to the autopsy surgeons in Bethesda telling them what happened. frames, published by the U.S. Government, to Nobel-prize-winning physicist M.T. The appearance of the bullet hole in the windshield was an embarassment to the feds covering up the murder and since the "returned fire" could have been the case, something had to be done. Zapruder was the only eyewitness to capture the entire assassination on film. Captured on an 8mm amateur movie camera by 58-year-old Abraham Zapruder, its the definitive view of the presidents death on November 22, 1963. A motorcycle. I have software from Nero that allows you to play back video at a very slow speed if desired. Greer's son, an attorney, recently admitted that his father, who was Irish-Protestant had serious religious differences with JFK who was a philandering Catholic. In the above video, the same Emory P. Roberts is seen standing up from the front passenger seat of the Secret Service agent's car and gives the order to SA John D. Ready (running along the right rear of JFK's limo) and SA Clinton Hill (running along the left rear of JFK's limo) to stand down and stop running alongside of the President's limo and to return to the Secret Service car following Kennedy's limo. "We?" This amounts to a running time of precisely 28 seconds. For $34.88 I got the 29216 coil which is chrome plated and rated at 51,000 volts, 6,000 more volts than the blaster2. He watched it over and over concentrating on a different passenger on each viewing. He said the shots came from behind him, "up on the mall," or "up on the knoll." Eventually it was found that a former US marine named Lee Harvey Oswald killed the President. After the Globe editorial staff called me to verify that Greer was dead (he died of colon cancer in the Haywood County Hospital, Waynesville, N.C. on February 23, 1985 at the age of 75), they published the cover story with the headline "JFK Murdered By His Own Limo Driver" on March 17, 1992. C.L. When followed back to its source suggests the origin ASAIC Roy T. Kellerman front seat, with SA William Greer driving, (SS car 100 X--top removed) departed Love Field. This vid cap of frame 313 of the Zapruder film sickens some people when they realize that this clearly shows Secret Service Agent William Greer, shooting JFK. JFK Assassination The Abraham Zapruder Film Stable With 3D Effect Glasses Required. A weekend conference took place a few years ago that dealt almost exclusively with the doctoring of the Zapruder film. New kinda chrome? This time the ad ran but only for 4 weeks. And he made no changes to the film itself. As you will learn from the story below, In the Zapruder film, JFK grabs his throat and slumps forward and to his left onto his wife's shoulder. I've replaced it with a current Youtube video link that worksKen]. When you enlarge a still frame, although you loose sharpness of detail, you notice things that aren't apparent when viewed as a normal sized photo. Newcomb found out from his research that within 48 hours of the assassination before Oswald was arrested, the FBI questioned both Greer and Kellerman, treating them like suspects. "I . Most Americans didn't see. chapter in The Great Zapruder Film Hoax is Zapruder was a top-ranked 33rd-degree Freemason and inspector general of the Scottish Rite. files and the article was written. wife. appear and snake up the side of the Presidents head, which he called the I think I described it in my statement as though someone was shooting a revolver into a hard objectit seemed to have some type of echo. those frames.) And, since these code books have to pass through 17 hands before getting on board the bombers, it seems likely that this may be a conspiracy. We know from public lectures by David Lifton, author of "Best Evidence," that when Jackie arrives at the front of Bethesda Naval Hospital with the bronze ceremonial casket that a X-Ray technician also arrives at the front desk with a already completed X-Ray of the presidents head in his hand. Using his home-movie camera loaded with. , he argued that this tells us that the Statements made by seven different Parkland Hospital doctors including Dr. Robert N. McClelland, Dr. Paul Peters and Dr. Charles A. Crenshaw indicate that the original appearance of the wound to Kennedys head was a large gaping entry wound to his right temple (left as you face him) and a much larger exit wound in the right rear of his head. That is consistent with the autopsy photo showing the top of Kennedy's head blown off. Notice the agent who puts out his arms and shrugs his shoulders with a look that says "What? The gun has been etched into a highlight to make you "think" it is Kellermans head. Doubt," LIFE magazine re-assessed the plausibility of Oswald's sole guilt after inviting Connally to review high-quality blowups of frames of the Zapruder film, . Conally carried a pistol strapped to his ankle. The video I received on DVD was an avi file in which the frame by frame quality of the video varies tremendously. This is a good example of damage control because it was here, at South Bay Video Productions, that Lars Hansson and crew made that film. And he did not say "grassy" at any time." Note: On shift report for Nov. 22, 1963, I listed SA Rybka as riding in center of rear seat, which was in error, as he was not in car. Since Connally bones were shattered by a conventional lead bullet, I have no other choice than to conclude that all of the shots from Greer's .45 automatic were lead bullets and not the special shell fish toxin pellets that Bill Cooper described in his book and videos . Anyone who has seen the Zapruder film knows that Kennedy first grabs his throat and then is slammed violently backward by a shot from the front. The shot on frame 313 , from above and behind, forced jfk's head down, forward and slightly to the left. The reaction was for the head to move up, and the body to move rearward and to the right. of the fatal bullet to be behind and just to the left of where Zapruder was standing. Draw your own conclusions. I'll be writing a separate article highlighting the major discrepancies and discoveries presented at that conference. Lyndon Johnson's apparent prior knowledge of JFK's assassination that we get from his statement "after today the Kennedys would never embarass him again," made that day to Jess Kellum, the go-between for LBJ and his mistress of 21 years, Madeline Brown, on the nationally televised "Geraldo" program could only be made if the hit was an inside job and not the work of a lone nut. On January 29, 1992, I succeeded in getting a letter to the editor published in the San Luis Obispo Telegram-Tribune with the headline "Zapruder Film Shows the Ugly truth about Dallas". As Morpheus said in The Matrix "you take the blue pill and the story ends. The lowest horizontal opening in the pergola wall would allow for the shot to have the trajectory consistent with the track indicated by the Zapruder film. . As mentioned above, he remained at Love Field. Fred Newcomb maintains that the gun was etched with bleach in the doctored Zapruden film into a highlight and aligned with the top of the head of Secret Service agent Roy Kellerman in the front passenger seat, to make you "think" that this was just a highlight [sun reflection] on Kellermans head. The names of the Secret Service agents who were following JFK's limo are listed below in a statement made by the Secret Service Agent in Charge, Emory P. Roberts on Nov. 29. A right side head wound is indicated in the statements of Doctors 1. By looping the head shot sequence, we are forced to see, along with heavy narration of Lars, the terrible moment when William Greer turns to the rear, not once but twice. investigate the assassination. It was Roy Kellerman that placed the bullet on the stretcher that matched the ammunition used by the Manlicher Carcano rifle that was placed in the Oswald-patsie snipers nest. As he said, all I am trying to do is to show you the truth, nothing more. Interestingly, the hole in Kennedy's back, just below the shoulder was not reported in Dallas. http://educate-yourself.org/cn/cooperkennedyassassination23may89.shtml#top, Jim Marrs: Another JFK Gatekeeper Shows His Colors (Updated, Sep. 26, 2010) You have to keep your eyes on Greer and watch the clip repeatedly to fully absorb what is plainly there. To receive such a shot from behind he would have needed to be looking to the right with respect to the limousine and have his head tilted significantly to his left. 4. This would make sense, if Austin P. Miller makes a statement found on page 82 of the Warren Report, NY Times edition that could have turned the whole Warren Commission report in a different direction if they had been looking for the truth. autopsy photographs surfaced in the late 1980s, and showed his face to be completely From: Warren Report, New York Times edition, p. 82. Kellerman is lying through his teeth to save his butt! He immediately gave two copies to the Secret Service. http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/january2007/150107ciaman.htm. Todays photograph is the frame number 313 from Zapruders footage which shows the Presidents head exploding after being hit by the bullet. A flow chart to show how Oswald was set up as the fall guy in the JFK assasination. Tests showed that the camera, loaded with double 8-millimetre Kodachrome II colour film, recorded at an average speed of 18.3 frames per second and there were either 486 or 487 frames with assassination-related images. He also put a condition that the amount he was making from selling the film would not be disclosed to the public. virveli. New! The Zapruder video shows a wound (exit or entrance) between Kennedy's right eye and his right ear, on the right temple this wound is below the bullet exit location depicted by wikipedia. ]. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XY02Qkuc_f8)[more videos at link]. It was necessary to surgically alter Kennedy's head wounds so it didn't appear that a bullet had entered Kennedy's forehead. After the Globe appeared on every newstand in America, I got phone calls from all over the country from people that agreed with me! Two shots miss. A police officer. People saw what happened. These frames also show that Zapruder was moving his camera in a downward "vertical pan" to keep JFK in the middle of the frame. There's also a slow-motion version on this video, where each of the film's frames were expanded to four interpolated frames. The clip is only 26 seconds long, but it's amazing to see. Immediately before Oswald was arrested, the FBI questioned Greer and Kellerman as suspects. Zapruder Frame 313: The JFK Assassination | 100 Photos | TIMEhttps://www.youtube.com/user/TimeMagazine Frame 313: The JFK Assassination Theories: With Tom Kane, John F. Kennedy, Jacqueline Kennedy, Walter Cronkite. We would talk and she would give me eventually all 154 pages of the Torbitt Document that her daughter was copying for me on a office copy machine. Newcomb points out that when a handgun is fired at close range, powder burns are left on anything in the vicinity. Connally's clothing in a sack from Parkland Hospital. A local woman whose brother was in the Office of Naval Intelligence got a call from him after the assassination. There was and Mr. Newcomb located 6 "nose witnesses": 5. First read this, Zapruder Film Shows JFK's Driver Firing Fatal Head Shot, Introductory notes & commentary from Ken Adachi, Editor Seymour is a known Oswald look alike. He goes on to say, "Careful study of the tape shows him forming his lips to make the "mmm" sound, not "nnn." Michael Paine was also responsible for helping bring Marina Oswald into this country from Russia. SA Paul Landis, right running board behind Ready. Newcomb feels that this plot would have been over with at this point because the ceremonial coffin was empty at this point, so Kellerman acted in desperation. Bill Cooper Exposes the JFK Assassination in 5 parts (each part will automatically continue with the next part), http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cSHU4f4AU5I&list=PL46E124C58F908C65. There are innumerable conspiracy theories surrounding President Kennedys assassination. What does this mean? Just as I reached it there was another sound. Zapruder was a democrat and an admirer of JFK. He thought that Feynman would conclude, from the laws of physics, that the shot must have come from the front. {ED Note: The Manlicer Carcano rifle abounded in Illuminati symbolism because it costs $23.00 and recycles in 2.3 seconds - "23" is one of their Big Time numbers. Connallys clothing out of the hospital in a sack. II, pp 138-139 of the Warre Commission Report Volumes: "I jumped from the car realizing that something was wrong, and ran to the presidential limousine. A little known event that I learned about from my interview with Fred Newcomb can best be described as the "hospital room scuffle." which exposed his right temple to the front of the car. frames, published by the U.S. Government, to Nobel-prize-winning physicist comment. The WC could write their "report" as it was originally scripted out. Jean Hill - Jean Hill saw Greer shooting too, but when she tried to bring up the subject of a gun being fired in the car, Senator Arlen Spector (a 33rd degree Mason) would change the subject or say "it's time for a cup of coffee.". Jacqueline Kennedy's bodyguard reports in Vol. My article filled the entire page. Their book, entitled "Murder From Within," carries a 1975 copyright and makes such a strong case that it reads like an indictment. There are other films also available of that moment but Zapruders footage shows the gunshot hitting the Presidents head. The blood burst "halo" effect seen for only 1/18 of a second on ONE frame of Zapruder was added artificially by government film retouching artists (as was the phony looking "skin flap") to give the impression that the bullet entered the BACK of Kennedy's head and exited out the FRONT. It's SA John D. Ready seen on the right in the video above who had shrugged his shoulders three times and is perplexed as to why he shouldn't continue running alongside the limo. Taken with the Carolyn Arnold statement, I have to coclude that Oswald was innocent. There was no "magic bullet!" The head shot by Greer occurs in Zapruder frame 313. A millisecond following Kennedy's head burst shot, Greer begins to withdraw the gun towards his left side. became the mystery. The two shots that hit Kennedy and the single shot in the back that wounded Connally ALL came from Secret Service Limo driver William Greer. A scuffle ensued with a FBI agent. which exposed his right temple to the front of the car. Just as I reached it, there was another sound. Richard Feynman. Zapruder Film: JFK Assassination [HD] From ecolvin August 25th, 2019. views. 25 feet behind the President's car.". When Zapruder sold the film to Life he asked that frame 313 not be shown because that's the one that gave him nightmares and he didn't want to be responsible for giving the world nightmares and Life went along with that for years. For Abraham Zapruder, who made the movie, Frame 313 became a recurring nightmare.The film would play out in his dreams until the horrific head shot that killed the president snapped him awake. the position of JFKs head compared to fixed parts of the limousine (like the with this: everyone who saw the Seth/Jane Roberts | Power of Thought | Spiritualism | Hope | Healing Thought Forms | Vanquish Fear |Prevent Alien/Demon Attacks | Rockefeller File | War a Racket a thousand-word footnote in his 1980 book, Best When the 2nd broadcast went out at midnight, only viewers in San Luis Obispo county got to see it. Again, a attempt at damage control. Fred had such a compelling book because he went to Dallas in 1968 when witness memories were still fresh. Dont kid yourself! Headline from my Op-Ed piece that appeared in the Telegram-Tribune 4-18-92. I'm Joe Janes of the University of Washington Information School. I have isolated frames 312 and 313 of the Zapruder film which are the frames that capture the instant that the bullet strikes President Kennedy's head. His reply: "From right there in the car" Senator Spector just went on to the next question, never asking Miller any specifics. There's really only one way to connect these dots together and that is that Kennedy's body was transferred from the ceremonial coffin into the plain military container that researcher David Lifton shows in his lectures. In 2006 I improved the processing steps and reissued the full set of frames. and the exit area blasted out the top of his head. More lies. In all, Newcomb lists six eyewitnesses, some of which were actually in the Warren Commission report. I wrote the original letter to the editor because I was upset by the hard knocks that Oliver Stone was getting for producing the film "JFK" for even sugguesting a larger conspiracy. It shows the little known fact that Walter Dornberger {Werner Von Braun was his superior}, former Nazi in charge of en-slaving and later killing Jews at the German V-2 rocket factory in Dora, was brought in to this country, narrowly escaping death at the Nuremburg Tribunals, and was then placed on the board of directors of Bell Helicopters. What really sells this piece is believable interviews with a leader in the Blakey commission, ex-CIA personnel and Parkland Hospital staff (Mr. McClelland offering his first-hand observation of an *exit* wound to at the *back* of . The Zapruder film seems to Oswald did not fire a single shot that day. Re:R. Andrew Kiel-you are " Spot On ". The Zapruder Film. 2. note - assassinations are always "allowed to happen."]. I was to eventually meet a researcher and author, Fred Newcomb, who, with co-author Perry Adams, of Santa Barbara, wrote a book based on original interviews with witnesses in Dallas in 1968 and a review of the National Archives in 1974. I remember that dark day as if it were yesterday. Zapruder Film Frames. A woman named "Amy" who I know, had a uncle who was in the CIA and he told her as a child that it was Greer who shot Kennedy. What do you think of this photograph and the story behind it? 0:19. There were witnesses who saw what really happened in the car but later changed their minds after Oswald was arrested and charged. What's more, it was on the driver's side of the windshield" (this clearly shows in the Betzner photograph,) What does this possibly mean ? The hole in Kennedy's back just below the shoulder ws not reported in Dallas. i.e. yet another method: Frame 312 was blurred Moments after the shooting and the motorcade has sped away to the hospital, people are still frozen in place looking in the direction of the origin of the shot. According to numerous witnesses, including Jean Hill (in red coat) and Mary Moorman (dark coat) - who were standing in the street at that moment only a few feet way (the doctored Zapruder film shows them standing on grass, but they were actually standing in the street just 3 or 4 feet from the limo as it passed them) - Greer had momentarily brought the limo to a complete stop after the throat shot, to next shoot Connally in the back to get him out of the line of fire, and then to finish JFK off with the fatal head shot in Zapruder frame 313. He fired three shots at Kennedy of which the last one hit his head. Elizabeth Cabell, wife of Dallas Mayor. ], Additional confirmations that JFK was shot by Greer, A retired Arroyo Grande police officer, Darrell Puckett, asked his firing range instructor if it was true that the limousine driver shot JFK. Gonzales then took them back to Washington D.C. where they hung in his closet for at least a week. The most important call came from Maine from one Tyler Newcomb, a musician, who gave me the phone number of his father, Fred Newcomb, who with fellow researcher Perry Adams of Santa Barbara, wrote the still unpublished book "Murder From Within," which has a 1975 Copyright. Senator Spector just went on to the next question, never asking Miller any specifics. Theres also a slow-motion version on this video, where each of the films frames were expanded to four interpolated frames. It was well known that Gov. Now, how come we can see this chrome through Greers body? JFK Kennedy Assassination - Zapruder film - high resolution. At least six people see him as noted above and five more people smell gunsmoke coming the car.