Its really simple I always business or otherwise, whats the motivation here? I think it was American Gangster. And Ive been in these environments like Matt never got a chance to say hello to Scott or whatever. I dont care who it is. But it was real tough. This structure is a murder machine. As you know big tech are censoring MAGA websites tremendously. I was just asked to an my I cant think of Mikes name shoots out of shadows. And I heard people say, why would Trump allow this? Im so pissed off about what was done not just to anybody, but specifically you and Ben for the reasons why and I want to I want to go right into that real fast. But folks, this is asymmetric warfare, they were never intending to do this with bullets, or at least to make a full frontal assault on humanity to come after us. I put information out there that I cant validate, because few people can validate some of the high levels of Intel. So Ill give them to so I want almost to after Ill give them till five minutes after. Man, lets take why, 32:32 Im like, Are you freaking kidding me? And I suspect a number of you people went on there. If youre not, its simply a preference, right? 19 is the exact same story, give them the wrong drug at the wrong time, keep them from getting the type one interferons, the peptide Ts the the natural products, hyperbaric oxygen at that time, therapy, keep them from getting the simple things, for some into vaccines, like the flu shot is the equivalent of hepatitis B spread this through the world and blame it on innocent people and murder a population. And I certainly want to defer to the general to those. And thats what the end of our book plague of corruptions shows, you know, but for Frank crosetti, we wouldnt have had that solution, we wouldnt have been able to our book plague of corruption, red light prophecy, the government captured it, it was already written in press in August of 2019. So we appreciate it respected. You send them. And theyre, of course hearing my dialogue on this bullshit from law enforcement. And Ill fix them later because they were pretty detailed. Bruce Poppy's rumble channel to watch the livestream fundraiser we are doing. no john Hancock there was 14 coward your fork and coward, 49:15 Patriot Street Fighter; Military Its it says triple A or man mesh. They said a conviction is something youre willing to die for. Thats who you are. But they know, I gotta go read and when I can, and try to figure things out. So this pediatric special needs conference, Im taking the mass, Im taking my book, which is behind me the case against the mass 10 reasons why mass you should be limited, which is heavily censored. Like, Where the hells that come from? For the Vaccinated: NANO SOMA* For all of the latest conservative political news that is happening in the United States and also the world please check out videos on rumble, bitchute, or brighteon. Were on all on two wheels. Well, its truly a pleasure to be here, Scott. Follow Conspiracy Music Guru Here. This natural occurring element allows threats of any kind to be located before they take place. 42:28 Its the way it works here. We are trying to spread . Anyways. All people have influenced pulling levers of power right down to the local levels. None of us know the plan. So therefore, you want to be prominent. Itll answer the questions you really need to answer. Why would Trump allow this to happen? Bullshit. The vaccine, same thing, the big v people are going down, theyre going down. Of course, hes a Scott, hes one of the hes a consummate scumbag. I know people are pissed and losing jobs and all this stuff happening. Youre supposed to be a peace officer protecting the people. more information Accept. That leads to the radio show on Mondays the tipping point on revolution radio, you can jump off with patriots rise up calm, you know, theres a donation button there you guys have kept this movement alive that way you can go to also to Scott thats where you can get the gear. Were screaming at the rooftops about whats happening here? Its time people to say, You know what? bear with me, folks. BANNED AND CENSORED ON YOUTUBE, TWITTER, LINKEDIN AND INSTAGRAM By probably like 95% to five or less probably way less than that. So Im looking at two men there in the biological response modifiers CRO program and translational research program have MDS, PhDs technicians like myself, and we were just looking at the patients all that mattered was the patients and, and for us doing the right thing. Not here Yeah, exactly. Now, heres what it says on that front. Security is the most significant cost, the level I being advised to have. I have setup a telegram channel and chat group, setup telegram ( on your device, and follow my updates here: for the BROADCAST CHANNEL for GROUP CHAT CHANNEL Connect with all my social media by going to: where you can also access for fun Patriot Streetfighter gear Rumble (PRIMARY) Brighteon Bitchute \"The Tipping Point\" LIVE radio show: Mondays 8-10pm EST in STUDIO B (Mobile device tilt sideways to landscape view for STUDIO B) Call-in listeners 641-793-7038Tunein Radio is a good option if the web servers or phones are jammed use the app for Android or AppleSearch for Revolution Radio and select Studio B The Plan To Save The World by Joe M video that launched Patriot Streetfighter You want to find how because I get this all the time in the threads if I see him. See for me in Santa Barbara Ventura area where I live. For some of you who havent, maybe have not come across that video and be surprised most of us do. There. So all the focus that people go into that event, they can make sure they see them. | We sure hope that 2023 is finally the year that everyone wakes up to what all of the criminals from the cabal mafia have actually been doing to this planet. I am not currently working due to health reasons. And were gonna have a lot of fun and we are going to raise this country to its feet to fight fight back on this bullshit. But anyway, you can do that there are people standing up everywhere. Scott Adams Banned: American Liberty Is Dead! That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from consent of the governed, that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and have indeed will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes. 2. Like for the rest of the plane. If youre around that weekend, Ive been hearing a lot like Scott, why dont you just do an event in Dallas for the last couple months because we have a lot of Texas people here. And this is one people, I guarantee, if I look down through the threads are saying hold the shes holding a fork in life, folks, this is what holding the fork in line means right here, holding the fork in line. On the tour, if we get the whole way through it great, I got a chance to be around the country. Thanks for visiting Palbulletin and please tell your friends & family about us. And thats certainly a crusader for the for the American people for the world. When you see this shit going on. Heres whats interesting. We are a proud member of the WhiteHat Movement. Well, thats an incident Im looking forward to talking about. And this is what theyre doing right now with COVID-19. I know right there in Hawaii, on Dell, big trees, the high wire show yesterday, they showed the police in Hawaii attacking a family. We pay them, we tell them how to govern us. But, you know, the long and the short of it is what were seeing right now in COVID. Anyways, address if you go to the thread the description in here, Ill say it out loud. You can hear the audio and I said Im not going anywhere and you cant touch me call the sheriff there is no law everything youre saying over that loudspeaker call the sheriff. revolution dot radio hey folks thanks for joining the broadcast if you enjoyed it please hit the like button do share it and also subscribe to the channel so you get ongoing notifications. I want so I watch Santa Barbara is a very small airport I want I I walk in Ive got the same mask. Its got some cool stuff here too. Got to drop it off the dealership, make it a little prettier. If If King shit Spurlock would remove somebody like me or my Jayco or somebody like that. But at least we keep the world at least we keep our freedom, right. 1,000 Different Studies Show Extensive Evidence of COVID-19 Vaccines Adverse Events, read them HERE. And people talk I hear this yesterday from David had a good idea. these are these are not George Washington, Jefferson, Adams Hancock, Alexander Hamilton, the people that built this nation, thats not who they are. Talk about stepping out into stepping into the Dragons Den and making a film like that about Hollywood and hes a career Hollywood guy. That was one week after Magic Johnson declared himself was declared to be HIV positive by serology. Know who God is. It was supposed to be a promotional video, a promotional video for our upcoming book, plague of corruption, that book was supposed to publish november of 2019, October 12, the 13th of 2019, I gave a talk at the truth about cancer, which was entitled, persecution and cover up and Im talking 2019, Im jailed. Its on the side of the door of the plane. And it has to do with why we went into Afghanistan, right? Theres a film thats going to be made and its being made for God and country. I promise you it doesnt think thats the question youre asking last appointment to a new place, same thing. So thank you for being on the show. When I say folks, I read all of your stuff. So, you know, Tony Fauci, I told the story in plan demmick, which which aired first, may 4, the first part of plan demick, that 28 minute piece of that probably eight hour conversation. You have people that arent measuring up, and that this is a way for them to get attention. Thank you Scott for being OUR warrior!! is always the one the weakest one wants to use physical force, right? As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Youre hurting me Leave me alone. Receive Daily Banned News StoriesTHEY Don't Want You to Know! They know they are what I call these people scumbags. So it says oh my god, you mean all those sequences we saw in the 80s real contagious cancer boats right through your little mass concentrated on your little mask as you compromise your immune system but silver copper is antiviral and anti microbial. Where are we going to put it all because some of you folks, its set checks and things like that again. Box. engage in conflict that was out of line with our mission isnt submission it prefers to handle the journey never i will never send troops anywhere on a mission of that kind without telling them that if somebody shoots at them they can darn well shoot back, 1:15:31 This is just todays pickup, right? As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. T hose of us who grew up in the 1960s have fond memories of one of the best World War II television series 12 O'Clock High.The series ran on ABC for three seasons from September 1964 to . Laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Whats in a business deal for this move that move? So um, you know, she concurs you know, the pilot comes out of the cockpit with the blue paper mask on and Im thinking to myself, I dont want to fly in a moron wearing that toxic Mac Oh gosh, the frickin blind dont do that. BUY GOLD: BUY A SAT PHONE: https://bit . Read our Pledge HERE. She refused to put a mask on, and they brought the police in that King shit, Santa Barbara redekop Airport ran a cop that came in with a badge and decided he was going to use his badge. This says, Yeah, this is kind of off that path of where we were going. Okay, so that just gives you kind of an idea, the kind of stuff that the things that I see, and try to figure out where it fits. The two patriots have a great discussion about a number of political topics. NOTICE: This site is purely a religious organization, anything that seems like political or health based discussion is simply our religious doctrine and beliefs. I always have the tomahawk on the left shoulder. And and and Im, you know, Im screaming Youre hurting me. This is one Ron made here. Sorry, I just wanted to make sure they were clear who, 23:07 Want to share news with us? Ive made all the rules. You know, I said, Yeah, you didnt target me when Im flying with Bobby Kennedy Jr, digit. But I figured strategically we only have a warning here. Well be in. Now, what are we all here we went in there because of weapons of mass destruction. was that my heritage as well and share of math reached out to me a few days after the event and said I heard what happened? Paypal accepted. Hes from the Philly area. Nope. Everythings good. Shipping Policy ABOUT OUR PAYMENT PROCESSING: ! Evergreen mission successful. So of course the tour is coming through from Louisiana coming to Dallas. that from the beginning like you came into that airport you were you came through the airport you came through the security you cant and i had this happen to me in in vegas i left here left dallas to go to the conference in vegas i didnt wear a mask the way through the airport and i actually got wheelchair service the whole way through so theres even more eyes on you when youre going through that and you want to walk that distance i was having bad length day and then i go to ces this is gonna shock you i get on the airplane im flying southwest i really love these people i go the whole way nobody says a single word to me with no mass not one word i get out in the plane of the airport through the airport in Vegas, you know, get to the Trump Trump hotel. 36:38 This, again, is describing something similar to project Looking Glass. So I depend on this website for bringing in revenue to keep the site going and also to live. interjected word in there about Fauci scumbag folks. Yeah. Im going to get a better one soon. Patriot Streetfighter Scott Mckay interview on His Glory: Whistleblowers are Coming Forward. So what Im going to do I actually talked to Robert, about this Robert David Steele on how we we want to make sure we avoid any times during those events where they have key speakers like Sydney or or the general in or whoever. And then were going to help you take these scumbags down there too. Click below to find out more about Operation Tomahawk! The infiltration into this movement have tried to try to wake people up, its going to probably get nastier. I'm going to go ahead and beginner introduction folks course you know Scott McKay here. Get Awesome Patriot Gear Today! There isnt a full scale military revolt on on the elected class, nothing, you know, nothings going to make these guys stand up. To do what youre doing here. Thats why, you know, theyve been able to get control of us because of all this nonsense that they put into the Good Book and, or took out of the Good Book. Just had a conversation. So here you are, you get the hallway to the gate. You know, they had to watch you take the medication and watch you swallow it. 0:20 Same thing you know, its got to be up over here. 150 Studies Proving the Ineffectiveness and Harm of Wearing Masks, read them HERE. The person that knows the least always knows that the loudest. Scott Mckay is an amazing person and a very devoted patriot that tries to bring light in a world that darkness used to be the norm . Some some of them were men in business that were spitting through their mask, you know, how stupid are you saying throw away the key. Camelot on Telegram. Its theyre not really in my wheelhouse, but looks good to me. all the evidence is there all the truth yet again, this is a lazy person that didnt want to do it. I agree with them. So humanity, you guys, youre the guys with the numbers, who can turn it all around because many most of you guys a vast majority dont agree with any of this bullshit when we collectively make a move. If you missed getting bitcoin seven years ago, you wouldnt want to miss this. I know it might be tough in an environment like that. So that was quite a week, were going to continue, I suspect, well set sail on this without being fully funded, likely continue to hopefully fund it along the way. he would try that move on me if he was going to remove me from the airplane. Patriot Talk: Scott McKay Patriot Streetfighter Interview W/ Francine And Allen of In The Prophetic. Never say Gallo for him. For the Latest Palbulletin posts please also visit: Latest Posts. Just like the yellow vest. And standing your ground. Yeah. Ive got this weed the E book people had on and Ive got the glasses. We are a small company & we depend on donations to continue to operate to help in our efforts in supporting the Trump movement!! Im filling my head with all this stuff. Get Awesome Patriot Gear Today! They will blindly continue to follow like sheep and let somebody sticks something that has never been FDA approved. And Im like, Oh, man. This is Well, the reason or one of the reasons if the way Im reading it, it might be why or maybe the primary reason. We have to end this nightmare forever. From the police commissioners who are bureaucrats, theyre politicians, theyre installed by your top cop these DBAs who are funded by Soros, to do exactly this to oppress the people, those of you law enforcement officers out there that know what Im talking about. If youre willing to allow somebody just say, trust me, even though all the evidence that we see out there all the evidence shows that this is a takedown mission on humanity. So total science got electron micrographs of all the dead bad stuff in these different kinds of mass from the cotton to the plastic to the rubber, whatever that is. All through your what does police officers actually do they took their helmets off put their buttons down step down and i said you know what this is who were here to protect not those scumbags in these mansions behind these walls with a bunch of guns and people to protect their assets from us the tyrants always bury themselves behind walls and behind guns because they know that we wont stand for this to the very end and we need to make sure we do this now not later on when the price that we pay as citizens is going to be much higher this stuff youre hearing from dr judy right now this is preview of coming attractions this isnt just dr judy whos a threat this is you this is every citizen this is you she just revealed to you what ive been saying for a year this is a murder machine all the infrastructure to support humanity support life support it isnt its death support its a murder machine youre hearing it firsthand from a high level scientist and now you see why they want to attack her because shes enemy number one so now you have an army of patriot street fighters judy who now are going to be ready for the cost because of what youre sharing here so spurlock imagine whats coming your way yeah its a disgrace so now were going to get back to dr judy somebody who really counts so now here we are okay now these guys take you off the plane, 1:01:31 So tonight, this will be a call in. animals like fowl gr and and you know keep us clued in to whats going on well certainly have you back again down the road and thanks for all of your time and thanks for your warrior spirit, 1:15:11 Whether you think it or not, if theyre just passively standing by in Washington watching it happen, guess what? Its always more than that. If you continue to use this website without changing your cookie settings or you click "Accept" below then you are consenting to this. But when she came forward and outed what these criminals do, how they do it, from the HIV era, how they will take scientists, high level scientists, and if they dont tow the Big Pharma line, or wherever the kazarian game plan is, theyll destroy their career that never get published, dont ever become prominent. Ive mentioned on the tipping point from day one, dont take my word for anything. Beautiful place, unfortunately loaded with lefties. The system uses its own currency, the Q, and to get people to start using the system once its ready they are allocating Qs for free to people that sign up now (the amount drops as more people join so better to join early). But Im hoping a lot of you guys come forward like like the one did today. Its kept us on this track. This then allows the space force assets to mobilize and position satellites for a strategic and direct action response, ie evergreen vessel and others. Fauci is, you know, 1520 years older, hes not gonna 20 years old, or hes not going to talk to a nothing 20 something year old female really matters, the misogyny in science, its like, oh, you wonder about the me to movement of a few years ago. But this is pretty interesting. You got to be a guy that thinks intellect is what I respect.