(e) Immediately after the election, the presiding judge of each polling place shall make returns of the results to the board, and the board shall canvass the returns and declare the result. 1, eff. (2) receive the written approval of the sheriff of the county, which written approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. (c) Refunding bonds may be payable from the same source as the bonds being refunded or from other additional sources. (d) A majority of the directors constitutes a quorum for the transaction of business of the district, but no official act of the board is valid without the affirmative vote of a majority of the directors. 351.143. June 17, 2011. The sheriff may revoke the appointment of a deputy on the indictment of the deputy for a felony. (4) "Survivor" means an individual who is a victim of a sexual assault or other sex offense, regardless of whether a police report is filed for the incident. 149, Sec. (a) A commissioners court of a county may establish and operate an electronic monitoring program for the purpose of monitoring defendants required by a court of the county to participate in an electronic monitoring program under: (1) Article 43.09, Code of Criminal Procedure, to discharge a fine or costs; or. A rural sheriff near the Texas border is under criminal investigation for allegedly having his deputies illegally seize money and a truck from undocumented immigrants during traffic stops. (b) Within 10 days after the date a petition for the creation of a district is filed, the county judge of a county in the proposed district shall issue an order setting the date of the hearing on the petition by the commissioners court of that county and shall endorse the order on the petition or on a paper attached to the petition. (3) is adjacent to a county with a population of one million or more. June 19, 2009. The right of eminent domain must be exercised in the manner provided by Chapter 21, Property Code, except that the district is not required to give bond for appeal or bond for costs in a condemnation suit or other suit to which it is a party and is not required to deposit double the amount of any award in any suit. (g) Instead of the method set forth in this section, a district may refund bonds as provided by the general laws of the state. (d) A person held under this section shall be kept in a special enclosure or room for that purpose. 2, eff. Investigators of the District Attorneys, etc.. Sec. 1, Sec. (a) On completion and approval by the board of the construction or the acquisition and any improvement of a facility constructed or acquired by a jail district under this subchapter and on written approval by the receiving county, the board shall convey the facility to the receiving county. Sept. 1, 1995. FISCAL YEAR; ANNUAL AUDIT; ANNUAL BUDGET. 985, Sec. (a) The board shall employ a general manager to serve as the chief administrative officer of the district. (3) a soft covering on the floor and walls, designed to protect a violent person from self-injury or destruction. 1, eff. 4, eff. (7) other persons the presiding officer of the response team considers necessary for the operation of the response team or as recommended by the response team. (c) A purchase allowed under this section must be made by the sheriff by requisition in the manner provided by the county auditor or, if the county does not have a county auditor, by the commissioners court. 351.0036. 3, eff. (c) The proposition to issue bonds and levy a tax must be included in the same proposition presented to the registered voters to confirm the creation of the district. Sec. Sept. 1, 1995; Acts 1999, 76th Leg., ch. Sec. Sec. 3, 2023 at 2:45 AM PST. Sec. 351.0415. 85.006. The Texas Education Agency has been in a legal battle to take over the states largest school district since 2019. (a) A county jail cell designed for one prisoner only must have a toilet, a combination sink and drinking fountain, a table, and a seat. 785, Sec. MONITORING CONSTRUCTION WORK. So, were just following that trail from there. Sec. (D) pay to the county any funds illegally paid, voluntarily or otherwise, to the sheriff from county funds. (c) A commissioners court, in an order establishing a county jail industries program, shall, with the approval of the sheriff: (1) designate the county official or officials responsible for management of the program; and. Sept. 1, 1989. The jail standards prescribed by this subchapter are minimum standards for county jails. (b) This section does not apply to purchases of property from public agencies or to contracts for personal or professional services. 351.008. Added by Acts 1989, 71st Leg., ch. At just 17, he has already been arrested for battery three times, all in 2019. Sec. N. C. Gen. Stat. 351.141. (d) The board shall hold a public hearing on the annual budget. 6, eff. APPOINTMENT OF CHIEF. Aug. 28, 1989. Sept. 1, 2001. Sept. 1, 1999. Which is higher FBI or U.S. marshal? Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. Constable and their Deputies, 3. 1307), Sec. Sec. 171 (H.B. 1, eff. (d) A construction contract must contain or have attached to it the specifications, plans, and details for work included in the contract, and work shall be done according to those plans and specifications under the supervision of the district. WebThe Crosby Independent School District in Texas has approved a four-day instructional week. A group of sheriffs from Texas and other states claim the constitution gives them power to oppose some federal laws. The sheriff, through a county correctional center program, may: (1) house and provide work programs and counseling for: (A) persons convicted of misdemeanors and sentenced to a term of confinement in county jail; (B) persons required as a condition of misdemeanor or felony probation to serve a term of confinement in county jail; or, (C) persons required to serve a term of confinement in county jail as punishment for violation of a condition of misdemeanor or felony probation; or. Amended by Acts 1991, 72nd Leg., ch. 74(a), eff. 73(a), eff. (g) After the annual budget is adopted, the board may amend the budget. OATH AND BOND. 1, eff. (a) Except as provided by Subsection (b), the commissioners court of each county shall establish an adult sexual assault response team that includes the following members appointed by the commissioners court: (1) the chief administrator, or the chief administrator's designee, of a sexual assault program that provides services for the county; (2) a prosecutor with jurisdiction in the county over cases involving sexual assault committed against adults; (3) the chief, or the chief's designee, of the municipal police department with the largest population in the county, provided a municipality in the county has a municipal police department; (4) the sheriff or the sheriff's designee; (A) a sexual assault nurse examiner or forensic examiner from a facility that conducts sexual assault forensic exams for the county; or. (b) A housing area designed for three or more prisoners must have one toilet and one combination sink and drinking fountain for every eight prisoners to be confined in the area. (a) The sheriff of the county in which the jail is located shall serve as administrator of the jail. (b) The commissioners court shall provide for the sheriff or the community supervision and corrections department serving the county, under an agreement with the commissioners court, to oversee and operate, or, if the program is operated by a private vendor under Subsection (c), oversee the operation of, an electronic monitoring program established under this section. Added by Acts 1989, 71st Leg., ch. Acts 2015, 84th Leg., R.S., Ch. 1210 San Antonio Street Sec. 12.006, eff. Sec. Sheriff. A county whose share of capital expenditures under the contract includes costs of acquiring land or acquiring, constructing, enlarging, or improving a joint facility may use any method of financing that share that would be available to the county if it operated its own jail, including issuing general obligation bonds or other evidences of indebtedness as provided by law. For the purpose of complying with that subchapter, a reference in that subchapter to "commissioners court" means the sheriff and a reference to "the county official who makes purchases for the county" means the sheriff or the sheriff's designee. 351.044. 351.033. FINANCING. To protect the public interest, the commissioners court of a county may contract with a nongovernmental association for the provision of law enforcement services by the county on a fee basis in the geographical area represented by the association. (b) Funds of the district may be placed in certificates of deposit of state or national banks or state or federal savings and loan associations within the state provided that they are secured in the manner provided for the security of the funds of counties of the state. Added by Acts 1993, 73rd Leg., ch. 351.083. (e) A deputy may perform the acts and duties of the deputy's principal. 85.004. On certification, the county clerk shall forward the petition to the commissioners court of that county. (b) The contract may provide for the construction or acquisition of a facility or for the use of an existing facility. (h) Money may not be spent for an expense not included in the annual budget or an amendment to it. (d) A sheriff is responsible for the official acts of a deputy and may require that a deputy execute a bond or other security. Sec. EXECUTION OF PROCESS; PENALTY. (a) Notwithstanding the requirements of Section 351.0035, the Commission on Jail Standards is hereby authorized to adopt rules governing the temporary housing of prisoners in connection with specific correctional programs which include work camps, wilderness camps, forestry camps, or boot camps. 1, eff. June 10, 2015. 424 (H.B. (e) Title 1 of the Tax Code governs the appraisal, assessment, and collection of district taxes. (2) adopt rules and procedures concerning the courses. (a) The commissioners court of a county shall provide safe and suitable jails for the county. (b) The general manager shall execute a bond. (d) A petition for creation of a district must include: (2) an accurate description of the area where the proposed district is to be located; (3) a statement of the purpose for which the district is to be created; and. 2272), Sec. 2, eff. Sept. 1, 1987. Your daily look at late-breaking news, upcoming events and the stories that will be talked about Monday:<strong>1. 2120), Sec. 149, Sec. Amended by Acts 1991, 72nd Leg., ch. (e) The board shall determine the terms of employment of and the compensation to be paid to those employees. (c) The orders or resolutions of the board issuing bonds may contain other provisions and covenants as the board may determine. Sec. 12, eff. The initial annual payment received last fall will be the largest at $517,000 and has yet to be spent. September 1, 2013. (c) A court of this state that renders a money judgment against the district may require the board to pay the judgment from the money of the district. 14.820, eff. (a) The district shall be operated on the basis of a fiscal year established by the board. (a) If the estimated amount of a proposed contract for the purchase of vehicles, equipment, or supplies is more than $15,000, the board shall ask for competitive bids in accordance with the bidding procedures provided by the County Purchasing Act (Subchapter C, Chapter 262) except that the bids shall be presented to the board and the board shall award the contract. Sept. 1, 1989. Sec. (f) A response team may only review a sexual assault case of an adult survivor with the signed, written consent of the survivor. Sec. (e) This subchapter does not prevent the conveyance of a part of the jail facility proposed to be constructed or acquired by a district if the district's jail facility is constructed in stages. (e) A county jail industries program may be operated at the county jail, workfarm, or workhouse or at any other suitable location. (C) provides the minimum services, as defined by Section 420.003, Government Code, to adult survivors of stranger and non-stranger sexual assault. (a) After a district has completed all construction, acquisition, and improvement of jail facilities provided in the plans approved by the board and has conveyed those facilities to a receiving county under this subchapter and after all bonds and other indebtedness of the district are paid in full, the district may be dissolved in the manner provided by Subsection (b). WebAccording to the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure 2.12 Who are Peace Officers, the following is a list of Texas Peace Officers in the order given: 1. (a) The commissioners court of a county may appoint, contract for, or employ licensed physicians, dentists, or other health care providers to provide health care services to inmates in the custody of the sheriff.