Puerto Rico's International Rum Festival - Taste of Rum is the largest rum festival in the Caribbean. Going on a cruise is an exciting adventure that many people look forward to. What to expect at the event. El Festival Casals de Puerto Rico es un festival de msica clsica que se celebra cada ao desde 1957 en San Juan.Fue fundado por el famoso chelista, director de orquesta y compositor Pablo Casals.En el 2006 el Festival Casals celebr su 50ma temporada. El Festival Gastronmico Junqueo regresa en su 8va. Hora: Discover the best oceanfront resorts in Puerto Rico and enjoy some beach time. Celebrate a culinary tradition in a sleepy town turned gastronomic destination. Am besten geht das ber PayPal. Join the DMVs award-winning 7th Street Band led by singer Max Rosado (Best Vocalist, 2022 Intercontinental Music Awards) for an evening featuring the sounds of Puerto Rico, an island with more than 220 rivers. Fiesta de los Reyes Magos January 6 - Juana Daz, Isabela, and other municipalities Along with Christmas and New Year's, the Epiphany on January 6th is also celebrated as part of the holiday season in Puerto Rico. Wenn Sie in Deutschland sind und in den neueste Online Casinos 2022 spielen mchten, wird es Sie freuen zu erfahren, dass es eine Reihe von Dingen gibt, die Sie tun knnen, um Ihr Spielerlebnis so sicher wie mglich zu gestalten.